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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 22, No. 14 4/12/2015

NRA Banning Guns? Get Real
NRA Banning Guns? Get Real
Anti-gun activists and their media collaborators are so desperate to rain on NRA’s 70,000-strong parade in Nashville, they’ve resorted to inaccurate and misleading claims about NRA banning operational firearms at the NRA Annual Meetings. In an April 6 Facebook post, Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand Action (MDA) group huffed, "NRA leaders are ok with loaded guns on playgrounds and in bars and schools, but not at their own convention?"
Allan D. Cors elected President of the NRA
Allan D. Cors elected President of the NRA
Nashville, TN – Allan D. Cors of Naples, Florida was elected by the National Rifle Association Board of Directors as President of the historic 144-year-old Association. The election took place in Nashville, Tennessee following the 144th Annual Meeting of the NRA where 78,865 members attended the 3-day celebration - the second highest number ever. A lifelong hunter and competitive shooter with a passion for collecting World War II military vehicles, Cors has served as president of the NRA Foundation and is a member of the NRA’s Executive Committee. He was a principal advocate for the establishment of the NRA’s Political Action Committee. Cors served as a counsel with the Judiciary Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives. He also served as the director of government affairs and senior vice president at Corning for 34 years.
Gov. Chris Christie Pardons Shaneen Allen; National Reciprocity Needed to Protect Others
Gov. Chris Christie Pardons Shaneen Allen; National Reciprocity Needed to Protect Others
On April 2, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie pardoned Philadelphia nurse and mother Shaneen Allen, ending her year-and-a-half-long legal battle with the Garden State.
DeLauro to Introduce
DeLauro to Introduce "AR-15 Upgrade Act of 2015"
Been thinking about retiring your old AR-15A1 and buying a suppressed, short-barreled AR for home protection? Need a new AR, because you’ve worn one out, shooting in Three-Gun matches? Been thinking about improving your AR with a mil-spec barrel and bolt carrier assembly, a “flat top” upper with a red dot sight, a low-profile handguard, and a more effective flash hider?
Mother Jones Sells Out Once Again
Mother Jones Sells Out Once Again
In what may prove a new level of absurdity, Mother Jones reported late last week about a new “study” by avowed anti-gun academic David Hemenway that purportedly “debunks the NRA’s favorite talking points” on gun issues.   An analysis of the “study” the article refers to, however, shows it to be nothing more than a clever – and ethically suspect – attempt by Hemenway to generate anti-gun propaganda under the guise of objective academic research.   And even in this, he fails miserably.
Inaugural Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference Highlights NRA’s Future Freedom Fighters
Inaugural Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference Highlights NRA’s Future Freedom Fighters
On April 10, in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Nashville, NRA-ILA hosted the first ever Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference.  A departure from previous Workshops, this year’s event was targeted specifically at college students, who comprised an overwhelming majority of those in attendance.
Rule Change May Devastate International Travel for Hunters and Shooters
Rule Change May Devastate International Travel for Hunters and Shooters
The Obama administration’s relentless assault on the Second Amendment continues as the State Department implements a new rule which catches American hunters and sport shooters in a web of bureaucratic red-tape when traveling outside the United States.  Coming close on the heels of the withdrawn BATFE ammo ban we reported on recently, an unmistakable pattern of abuse is beginning to emerge, suggesting Obama’s last two years could prove the most challenging period in history for America’s gun owners.  
Latest Status of Pending National Right-to-Carry Legislation
Latest Status of Pending National Right-to-Carry Legislation
Thanks to your continued calls and emails, NRA supported National Right-to-Carry bills have seen increases in cosponsorships over the last couple of weeks.  Please continue to contact your elected officials and urge them to cosponsor and support these important bills:
Wayne LaPierre: 2015 NRA Members' Meeting
Wayne LaPierre: 2015 NRA Members' Meeting

NRA CEO & EVP Wayne LaPierre addresses the crowd at the NRA Members’ Meeting, an event of the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee. LaPierre says the road to the White House is by election, not coronation, and declares that, "We will not let our Bill of Rights be Hillary's new server, wiped from the pages of history."

Chris W. Cox: 2015 NRA Members' Meeting
Chris W. Cox: 2015 NRA Members' Meeting

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox addresses the crowd at the NRA Members' Meeting, an event of the 2015 NRA Annual Meetings in Nashville, Tennessee. Cox says that while Obama may not be going anywhere for the next 650 days, neither are NRA members. The NRA will fight to defend freedom and to take America back.

Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference Wrap-Up
Second Amendment Youth Leadership Conference Wrap-Up


Arizona Arizona
Arizona: Legislature Adjourns Before Concurrence on State Preemption Bill
California California
California: NRA & CRPA Call Out Orange County Sheriff for Adopting Strict CCW Policy Following Court Order in Peruta Case
California: Several Firearm-related Bills Are Scheduled to be Heard on Tuesday, April 14
Colorado Colorado
Colorado: Bill to Repeal Arbitrary Magazine Ban Up for Hearing
Connecticut Connecticut
Connecticut: Unconstitutional Due Process Bill Rescheduled for Vote Today
Florida Florida
REPORT on FLORIDA PRO-GUN BILLS for the Week of April 6-10, 2015
Idaho Idaho
Idaho: Concealed Carry Rewrite Legislation Signed by Governor Otter
Indiana Indiana
Indiana: Right to Hunt and Fish Legislation Passes Committee
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: Comprehensive Pro-Gun Legislation Passes in House, Heads Back to Senate
Minnesota Minnesota
Minnesota: Pro-Gun Legislation Awaiting House Vote
Mississippi Mississippi
Mississippi: Governor Bryant Signs NRA-Backed Pro-Second Amendment Reform Bills!
Nevada Nevada
Nevada: Expanded Carry Bill Passes Assembly
New Hampshire New Hampshire
New Hampshire: House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee Passes Right to Carry Reform Legislation
North Dakota North Dakota
North Dakota: Three Additional Bills Expanding Your Second Amendment Rights Head to Governor
North Dakota: Critical “Shall Sign” Legislation Passes House and Senate Unanimously
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Gun Bills See Action in Salem
Tennessee Tennessee
Tennessee: Employee Protection Legislation Becomes Law and Apprentice Hunting Bill Awaits Committee Hearing

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.