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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 24, No. 11 3/17/2017

U.S. House Passes NRA-Backed Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights of America’s Veterans
U.S. House Passes NRA-Backed Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights of America’s Veterans
On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 1181, the Veterans 2nd Amendment Protection Act, sponsored by Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN), Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. The bill now moves to the U.S. Senate.
Pro-gun Bills Introduced to Reform FOPA, Protect Interstate Transport of Firearms for Lawful Use
Pro-gun Bills Introduced to Reform FOPA, Protect Interstate Transport of Firearms for Lawful Use
Pro-gun members of Congress have introduced legislation to protect travelers who are transporting firearms interstate for lawful purposes.
Are Ear Plugs Better Than a Suppressor?
Are Ear Plugs Better Than a Suppressor?
On March 13, the gun control group, Americans for Responsible Solutions, posted a tweet claiming:  “FACT:  Silencers do not protect your hearing.”  An infographic accompanied the tweet with the additional claim “You know what protects your ears better than a silencer? Ear plugs.”
European Parliament Passes Stringent New Gun Controls
European Parliament Passes Stringent New Gun Controls
On March 14, the European Union completed one of the final steps in imposing stringent new gun controls across the political bloc, when the European Parliament approved legislation to alter the EU Firearms Directive by a vote of 491 to 178. The Firearms Directive was last amended in 2008. Passage comes after a deal to significantly alter the European Commission’s initial proposal was struck last December between the European Parliament and European Council. The legislation is now set to be approved by the European Council.
NRA-ILA Grassroots State of the Union
NRA-ILA Grassroots State of the Union
Join NRA-ILA Grassroots Director Glen Caroline during NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia, for a FREE briefing on NRA-ILA’s grassroots successes in the 2016 elections and how those lessons learned can be applied to defending your rights moving ahead.  Glen will also be discussing modifications & improvements to NRA-ILA’s Grassroots programs to better meet the needs of today’s Second Amendment activists.
Attend NRA-ILA Collegiate Leadership Conference in Atlanta!
Attend NRA-ILA Collegiate Leadership Conference in Atlanta!
All college students and recent graduates are welcome to join NRA-ILA Grassroots staff for our third annual Collegiate Leadership Conference during NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia (admission is FREE). In addition to Grassroots staff, attendees will hear from a panel of pro-gun student activists who will share their successes in organizing in support of the Second Amendment on campus. Participants will also have the chance to network with other students, build a regional activism plan, and talk with NRA-ILA staff about job opportunities.
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Atlanta
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Atlanta
The Annual National Firearms Law Seminar will be held on Friday, April 28, 2017 as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. The gold standard in firearms law classes, this day-long seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available.
Join us on Friday, April 28, for the NRA ILA Leadership Forum!
Join us on Friday, April 28, for the NRA ILA Leadership Forum!

NRA-ILA's annual Leadership Forum is one of the most politically significant and popular events in the country, featuring our nation's top Second Amendment leaders in government, the media, and the entertainment industry. The Forum is also a must-stop for candidates seeking the highest levels of elected office – including governor, congressman, Senator, or President of the United States. Stay tuned to the website for the list of speakers and special guests as they are announced!

Get your tickets for the The 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia
Get your tickets for the The 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia

The 146th NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Atlanta, Georgia will be attended by over 80,000 patriots, feature 800+ exhibitors, and include a jam-packed schedule of seminars, workshops, special events and celebrity meet and greets! You don't want to miss out on this exciting celebration of freedom.


Alabama Alabama
Alabama: Companion Constitutional/Permitless Carry Bill Introduced
Arkansas Arkansas
Arkansas: Enhanced Carry Legislation Headed to Governor!
California California
California: Several Firearm-Related Bills Scheduled to be Heard Tuesday, March 21
Florida Florida
Florida Action Report: Three (3) Good Bills Passed Today 3/15/2017
Georgia Georgia
Georgia: Pro-Gun Bills Passed out of Senate Committee
Illinois Illinois
Illinois: Committee Passes Lead Ammunition Ban
Indiana Indiana
Pro-Gun Hoosiers: Plan to Attend U.S. Sen. Donnelly’s March 19 Town Hall in Muncie
Indiana: Victim Defense Bill Needs Your Help
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: House File 517 Passes Committee and Headed to Senate Floor
Missouri Missouri
Missouri: Updates on Pro-Gun and Anti-Gun Legislation
Nebraska Nebraska
Nebraska: Important Firearms Preemption Bill Passes Committee
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: Second Stealth Attack Launched by Anti-Gun Legislators
New Mexico New Mexico
You Stepped Up: Bloomberg’s Latest Gun Control Bill HB 548 Tabled in Committee
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Bill Introduced to Expand Youth Hunting Opportunities
South Dakota South Dakota
South Dakota: Permitless/Constitutional Carry Needs Your Help
Utah Utah
Utah: Self-Defense Legislation Awaits Governor’s Signature
Vermont Vermont
Vermont: Gun Control Bill Advances on Party Line Vote
West Virginia West Virginia
Pro-Gun West Virginians: Plan to Attend U.S. Sen. Manchin’s March 18 Town Hall in Morgantown
West Virginia: Pro-Gun and Pro-Hunting Legislation Needs Your Help
West Virginia: Range Protection Bill Passes Senate
Wyoming Wyoming
Wyoming: Self-Defense Legislation Vetoed Prior to Deadline

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.