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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 22, No. 40 10/9/2015

President Obama Shows His True Gun Control Agenda
President Obama Shows His True Gun Control Agenda
Most of the media attention on President Obama’s renewed calls for gun control has focused on the tone of his remarks, rather than on the substance of what he said. You don’t have to scratch very deep, however, to understand that what the president really wants to see in the U.S. is gun confiscation. Reiterating his support for gun control last week, Obama vowed, “I am going to talk about this, on a regular basis, and I will politicize it.…”For once, we are willing to take the president at his word.
Clinton Says That the Second Amendment DOES NOT Protect an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Clinton Says That the Second Amendment DOES NOT Protect an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms
A recent CNN/ORC International Poll found that 57-percent of Americans do not find Hillary Clinton “honest or trustworthy.” If there are figures in American public life with a stronger disregard for the rights of the American people, they have yet to come to our attention. At a small private fundraiser held at a home in Manhattan’s fashionable Greenwich Village neighborhood, Clinton revealed her contempt for the Second Amendment and our individual right to keep and bear arms. In audio obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Clinton is heard telling the exclusive audience “the Supreme Court is wrong on the Second Amendment, and I am going to make that case every chance I get.”
“F” Stands for Fail: Politifact Flip-Flops to Advocate Anti-Gun Narrative
“F” Stands for Fail: Politifact Flip-Flops to Advocate Anti-Gun Narrative
As we’ve reported before, one of the more favored, yet discredited, claims made by gun control advocates is that 40% of firearm transfers take place without a background check.  Mark Kelly, of Americans for Responsible Solutions, is particularly attached to this deception, bringing it up once again in the wake of the recent shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, OR last week.  Fact checkers have routinely pointed out numerous problems with the 40% statistic, with the Washington Post’s Glenn Kessler giving Obama “Three Pinocchios” when the President cited the bogus claim back in 2013. Unfortunately, it now appears that even the fact checkers need fact checkers.  Last Sunday, Linda Qui, writing for Politifact, addressed the issue in response to Kelly’s appearance on CNN on the same day in which he invoked the 40% claim.  She rightly points out all the reasons why the 40% claim has been repeatedly rebuked by fact checking organizations in the past, including Politifact itself.
Anti Gun Democrats Renew Call for … Well, You Know the Rest
Anti Gun Democrats Renew Call for … Well, You Know the Rest
Surrounded by armed law enforcement officers, thirty partisan senators gathered on the Capitol steps Thursday, demanding that the public create “a groundswell of urgency” for gun control. Their sentiments parroted earlier comments by the president, who insisted that each American will “just have to, for a while be a single issue voter” for the cause.
Verizon Fios Drops Outdoor and Sportsman Channels- Silencing Your Access to NRA Programs
Verizon Fios Drops Outdoor and Sportsman Channels- Silencing Your Access to NRA Programs
Act Now and Demand Access to the Best in Outdoor Television.Verizon Fios has dropped Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel - television networks geared to tell compelling outdoor lifestyle stories and strong advocates for all areas of the shooting lifestyle. The networks are home to many of the NRA programs including Friend of the NRA, NRA All Access and Life of Duty.By their actions, Verizon is marginalizing a segment of society – 130 million strong, loyal and passionate purveyors of the outdoor lifestyle including the millions of NRA members – because they don’t live, breath and work in the same space that we do. Their actions send a clear and dangerous message to our segment of society, as well as other segments of society that differ in the way they view life and live within those views. The message is clear: If you differ in opinion about certain issues and lifestyle choices, Verizon doesn’t want your business. Would Verizon feel the same way if outdoor lifestyle and shooting enthusiasts decided to take similar actions against the company’s phone and internet services? We’re calling on all NRA members to contact Verizon and DEMAND Verizon return Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel to their television line-up.  If you are a Verizon customer, you can also send a strong message to Verizon by choosing another provider of phone, internet, wireless or television service.  Go to www.KeepMyOutdoorTV.com or call 800-710-1922 to find out all the details and let your voice be heard.
2015 NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium
2015 NRA-ILA Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium
The 2015 NRA-ILA "Firearms Law & The Second Amendment Symposium" will be held on Saturday, October 24, at The Hartford Club in Hartford, Connecticut.
NRA Supports Challenge to Knoxville Park Gun Ban Decision
NRA Supports Challenge to Knoxville Park Gun Ban Decision

In this News Minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports that the NRA is supporting the first challenge to Knoxville’s decision to deny handgun carry permit holders access to public lands.  The suit is based on legislation Governor Haslam signed this year allowing for individuals with valid permits to carry firearms in any state, county, or municipality-run park.


California California
California: Governor has Until Sunday, October 11, to Consider Two Anti-Gun Bills
Michigan Michigan
Michigan: Flawed Anti-Gun Legislation Introduced Designed to Erode Self-Defense
New Hampshire New Hampshire
New Hampshire: Suppressor Legislation to be Discussed in Committee Next Week
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: NJ State Association Annual Banquet is October 17!
Virginia Virginia
All eyes will be on Virginia's elections this fall

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.