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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 27, No. 32 8/10/2020

Record-Setting Interest in Self-Defense
Record-Setting Interest in Self-Defense
Two trend lines related to our issue have diverged in a remarkable way that indicates that firearms and the 2nd Amendment are fundamental American mainstays. We’ve covered the string of record-breaking NICS background check numbers since the onset of the pandemic, and July NICS data continues that trend. New data from Gallup shows that gun control has slid further down Americans’ list of most important issues, and a deeper dive into NICS data suggests that new gun owners and the need for self-defense are driving the 2020 surge.
When Government Encourages Victimhood, You Have an Alternative
When Government Encourages Victimhood, You Have an Alternative
According to a report from the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the number of officers in the Minneapolis Police Department has been reduced 10 percent since May and the department “could lose as much as a third of its workforce by the end of the year.”Some on the city council have sought to abolish the police department. 
Appellate Court Reinstates Challenge to Maryland’s Handgun Licensing Scheme
Appellate Court Reinstates Challenge to Maryland’s Handgun Licensing Scheme
Last Monday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reinstated an NRA-supported challenge to Maryland’s convoluted handgun licensing scheme. An earlier trial court decision had dismissed the case on technical grounds, claiming the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring the lawsuit. Three judges of the Fourth Circuit overruled that erroneous decision, finding that a gun store plaintiff has standing to raise a Second Amendment challenge on behalf of its customers. The case is Maryland Shall Issue v. Hogan.
Canadian Gun Rights Groups Condemn RCMP Letter
Canadian Gun Rights Groups Condemn RCMP Letter
Gun rights groups like the Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA), the National Firearms Association (NFA), and firearm owners across Canada continue to expose new problems with the “assault weapon”ban imposed by Trudeau’s Liberal government on May 1, 2020.   


Maryland Maryland
Maryland: Virtual HQL Training Approved

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.