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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 25, No. 20 6/1/2018

Bedrock American Values Prove Stubbornly Resistant to Gun Control Opportunism
Bedrock American Values Prove Stubbornly Resistant to Gun Control Opportunism
Social justice busybodies obsessed with how other people live their lives often portray the success of their causes as a matter of destiny. “The young people will win,” insists one youthful gun control advocate, falsely portraying his personal crusade as a generational mandate. Yet recent events have demonstrated that bedrock American values – including support for the Second Amendment – tend to outlast moments of high emotion that are increasingly relied upon by political opportunists to advance their agenda. Given the chance to collect their thoughts, most Americans instinctively revert to freedom.
Advocacy-Fueled Hysteria Hides the Truth on School Violence
Advocacy-Fueled Hysteria Hides the Truth on School Violence
In the wake of the two recent high-profile school shootings, the institutional gun control movement and many in the mainstream media have taken their always alarmist rhetoric to new heights. Michael Bloomberg anti-gun front group Everytown for Gun Safety has released misleading and routinely debunked figures on the prevalence of school shootings in the U.S. A New York Times columnist, wrote an item following the Houston shooting titled, “This Is School in America Now,” calling such tragedies an “everyday nightmare.” A reporter for the Washington Post authored an article with the salacious and misleading headline “2018 has been deadlier for schoolchildren than service members.” It wasn’t until the fifth paragraph that the Post bothered to mention that there are 50 million public school students as compared to 1.3 members of the military; meaning service in our armed forces is in fact, contrary to the headline, 17 times deadlier. Barack Obama’s Education Secretary Arne Duncan called for a school boycott, while contending that “the threat of gun violence infects everyday life.”
UK Busybodies Target Pointed Kitchen Knives, Gun Tattoos
UK Busybodies Target Pointed Kitchen Knives, Gun Tattoos
Don’t ever underestimate the British capacity for combining the oppressive with the doltish. This week, the United Kingdom’s decades-long campaign against all things martial sunk to a fresh low when one of the Queen’s more domineering subjects floated a ban on the sale, and possibly the possession, of traditional kitchen utensils. Not to be outdone, other British busybodies demanded satisfaction from a professional athlete whose firearm body art they found objectionable.


Illinois Illinois
Illinois: Ask Governor Rauner to Veto Firearm Surrender Bill
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: Time Is Running Out To Make Your Voice Heard
Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Ballot Title Certified for Initiative Restricting Your Right to Self-Defense
Seattle Seattle
Washington: Seattle Ordinance to Make Firearms Unavailable for Self-Defense Proposed
Vermont Vermont
Vermont: Beware, Lawmakers Returning to Montpelier This Week

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.