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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 25, No. 10 3/16/2018

Disgust With Hollywood’s Antigun Activism Unifies Americans in Nationwide Poll
Disgust With Hollywood’s Antigun Activism Unifies Americans in Nationwide Poll
Based on the results of a Zogby Analytics poll released earlier this month, Second Amendment supporters may have a counter-intuitive message for virtue-signaling Hollywood heavyweights pledging their support for restrictive firearm laws: keep up the good work!  Gun control is gaining renewed social currency in some circles in the wake of the Parkland, Fla. tragedy. Hollywood, to no one’s surprise, has eagerly jumped on the bandwagon, with stars, starlets, and studio honchos displaying their usual self-importance and grasping desire for the spotlight. 
Bloomberg Gun Control Shill Targets Sportman’s Warehouse for Selling a Bolt Action .22
Bloomberg Gun Control Shill Targets Sportman’s Warehouse for Selling a Bolt Action .22
On March 2, gun control über matron Shannon Watts issued a tweet taking the online retailer Sportsman’s Warehouse to task for making a certain firearm available to adults as young as 18. No doubt Watts hoped to shock her Twitter followers with the gun’s supposedly menacing appearance.   The rifle she depicted, however, was a Ruger bolt action .22 rimfire, a platform that has safely introduced untold numbers of preteens to the fundamentals of marksmanship and firearm safety, including through programs at summer camps, scouting organizations, and even some public schools. 
The Science of Gun Policy
The Science of Gun Policy
The Rand Corporation, a “research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier, and more prosperous,” released an ambitious review of existing firearms-related research earlier this month. This was the culmination of two years and a million dollars of effort.  The “Rand researchers evaluated thousands of studies to assess the available evidence for the effect of 13 common gun policies on a range of outcomes…” 
Attend NRA-ILA Grassroots Leadership Conference in Dallas!
Attend NRA-ILA Grassroots Leadership Conference in Dallas!
Join NRA-ILA staff during NRA's Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Dallas, Texas for a FREE briefing on NRA-ILA’s Grassroots Programs and campaign efforts, with a special concentration on our collegiate outreach. Attendees of all ages are welcome to learn more about what the NRA-ILA is doing to reach out to College Students and how you can help in your local community.
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Dallas
Attend Firearms Law Seminar in Dallas
Please join us for the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar to be held on Friday, May 4, 2018, as part of the NRA Annual Meetings. This all-day seminar provides legal instruction for attorneys and all others interested in Second Amendment law. CLE credit for all states is available, including 8.75 (1.0) in Texas. 
We Can Prevent Violence and Protect Freedom
We Can Prevent Violence and Protect Freedom

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox says that we can take action to prevent violence and protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans at the same time. While there will always be evil in this world, Cox advises that there are meaningful steps our nation can take right now. He acknowledges they won't solve everything, but will help lead to a broader discussion on how to address a culture of violence in America, one which is desperately needed.

We Will Never Waver
We Will Never Waver

NRA Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer Wayne LaPierre vows that when it comes to the Second Amendment and the due process principles upon which our nation stands, the National Rifle Association will never, ever waver.


California California
California: Another Day, Another Gut and Amend, this time to Add Additional Taxes on Firearms and Ammunition
Florida Florida
Florida Alert! Yes, Virginia, Republicans Really Did Pass Gun Control
Florida Alert: Gun Bill Causing Financial Losses for those Under 21
Idaho Idaho
Idaho: Self-Defense Legislation Heads to the Governor
Illinois Illinois
Illinois: Expanded Waiting Period Bill Heads to Governor, Gun Ban Heads Back to House
Illinois: Tell your Senator not to Override Veto on Gun Dealer Licensing
Indiana Indiana
Indiana: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
Utah Utah
Utah Reminder: BLM to host public scoping meetings for new monument plans
Vermont Vermont
Vermont: New York-Style Gun Bans and Waiting Period To be Considered in Vermont House
Washington Washington
Washington: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
West Virginia West Virginia
West Virginia: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die
Wyoming Wyoming
NRA-backed Stand Your Ground Bill Becomes Law in Wyoming

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.