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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 24, No. 33 8/18/2017

Justice Department Terminates and Repudiates Operation Choke Point
Justice Department Terminates and Repudiates Operation Choke Point
Current Justice Department leadership and Boyd should be commended for their forceful statement on this matter. This unequivocal repudiation of Operation Choke Point should make a return to such political persecution unpalatable for all but the most debased public official.
Elizabeth Warren Urges Democrats to Champion Gun Control, Shut Down Debate
Elizabeth Warren Urges Democrats to Champion Gun Control, Shut Down Debate
Just as many in the Democratic Party are seeking to moderate their message in order to once again compete as a national political party, some high-profile Democrats are urging the party to lurch further left with an even firmer embrace of gun control.  On June 13, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) addressed those gathered at the “progressive” Netroots Nation conference in Atlanta, Ga. In her usual frenzied style, Warren used the forum to attack those Democrats who would moderate the party’s message, including those who would temper the party’s stance on guns.
American Bar Association Continues to Attack Gun Owners, Due Process
American Bar Association Continues to Attack Gun Owners, Due Process
The 2016 compilation of legislative policies of the ABA includes a raft of gun control proposals. In it, the ABA advocates for outmoded gun control measures, such as limits on the sale and possession of affordable handguns and waiting periods
Arizona Supreme Court Rebuffs Tucson’s Illegal Destruction of Firearms
Arizona Supreme Court Rebuffs Tucson’s Illegal Destruction of Firearms
On Thursday, the Arizona Supreme Court unanimously held that the state was within its authority to prohibit cities and counties from routinely destroying firearms obtained through forfeiture or as unclaimed property. State law holds that political subdivisions must instead (subject to certain exceptions) recirculate the firearms through legitimate channels of commerce, just as they do with other types of valuable property. The case represents the latest battle in an effort dating back nearly two decades to prevent anti-gun localities from undermining the pro-gun policies of the state legislature. 
First, Carry No Gun: Police Chief Gets Inhospitable Reception at Texas Medical Clinic
First, Carry No Gun: Police Chief Gets Inhospitable Reception at Texas Medical Clinic
We recently reported on claims that “gun safety advocates” in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services have given a U.S. Marine Corps. veteran an untenable choice: custody of his grandson or his constitutional right to possess a loaded firearm.  Now, from Texas – of all places – comes a similar tale of a police chief who was told he could receive medical care from a Woodlands ear, nose & throat clinic … but only if he took off his duty sidearm and left it outside the building.
Tickets on sale for the NRA Carry Guard Expo!
Tickets on sale for the NRA Carry Guard Expo!

The ultimate destination for all things Personal Protection, Concealed Carry and Home Defense.  Whether just starting out or actively engaged in the personal safety and protection of yourself and your family, this is the event for you.  Make plans now to attend.    



Oregon Oregon
Oregon: Governor Signs Anti-Gun Bill into Law
Washington Washington
Washington: Department of Labor & Industries Targeting Shooting Ranges
Wisconsin Wisconsin
Join NRA-ILA in Milwaukee!

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.