International & United Nations Gun Control

NRA has been engaged at the United Nations and elsewhere internationally in response to overreaching small arms initiatives for two decades. During this time, we have been actively opposing transnational efforts that would limit Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms. NRA has been a recognized Non-Governmental Organization at the United Nations since 1996. Our status as an NGO allows us to closely monitor the internal UN debate over firearm issues and report back to our members.
The most pressing international threat to U.S. gun owners is the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT). Among its most egregious provisions, the treaty encourages national recordkeeping requirements for “end users” of covered arms (including firearms), and suggests that national governments share such records. Further, the ATT compels countries to make arms import and export decisions based upon a trading partner’s willingness to abide by the treaty’s requirements, which could isolate the United States from legitimate trade in arms or force it to adopt restrictions detrimental to Second Amendment rights. During the drafting phase, NRA vigorously advocated for civilian firearm ownership be removed from the treaty’s scope. Those recommendations were ignored, meaning U.S. firearms policy could become the rest of the world’s business and subject to its approval, on pain of trade restrictions if it doesn’t meet “international norms.”
Secretary of State John Kerry signed the ATT on behalf of the U.S. on September 25, 2013. NRA continues to work with its Senate allies to prevent ratification or implementation of the treaty in the U.S.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Manitoba gun owners say a Liberal proposal to study a ban on all handguns misses the mark, believing ...
Friday, August 10, 2018
Premier Doug Ford says he is against a council-requested ban on the sale of handguns and their ammunition ...
Friday, August 10, 2018
Canadian anti-gun politicians’ campaign to disarm law-abiding citizens continued this week. On Monday, the Canadian press reported on an August 3 ...
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
In the missive sent to the PMO last Friday, but released to the media on Monday, Tory asked, ...
Friday, August 3, 2018
Much like their U.S. counterparts, Canada’s gun control advocates are using tragedy to advance their pre-existing civilian disarmament agenda. ...
Friday, July 27, 2018
Canadian gun control advocates’ goal of civilian disarmament came further into focus this week following a tragic shooting ...
Friday, July 20, 2018
After a spate of terror attacks in 2015, Israel opted to loosen its firearms restrictions so that more citizens could ...
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
In the last two weeks of June, the United Nations held another review conference on its efforts to ...
Friday, July 6, 2018
Shortly before 4:00am last Saturday morning, the two week long Third Review Conference (RevCon3) on the Programme of ...
Friday, June 22, 2018
This week marked the beginning of the two week long Third Review Conference (RevCon3) of the United Nation’s ...
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