Today, the Michigan Legislature began its 2015-2016 session. The NRA is committed to keeping you apprised of all Second Amendment and hunting-related reforms being contemplated in Lansing.
Unfortunately, last session’s Senate Bill 789 still remains unsigned by Governor Rick Snyder (R). Senate Bill 789, which passed the legislature by significant margins and without serious opposition, seeks to create a more efficient and uniform concealed pistol licensing process for all Michiganders. The NRA, along with other pro-Second Amendment organizations and numerous law-enforcement officials, support the signing of SB 789.
As reported yesterday, anti-gun organizations are attempting to use their money and influence to force Governor Snyder to veto this important pro-gun legislation. It is imperative that you contact Governor Snyder and respectfully urge him to stand up for your Second Amendment rights and sign SB 789 before Friday, January 16th.
Contact Governor Snyder
Please contact Governor Snyder and ask him to sign SB 789 into law.
The NRA is committed to vigilantly opposing any attack against your Second Amendment rights while continuing to help advance pro-gun and pro-hunting reforms in Lansing. Stay tuned to and your email for alerts and action items as the 2015-2016 legislative session progresses.