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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 23, No. 2 1/13/2016

Anti-Gunners Endorse Hillary Clinton for President
Anti-Gunners Endorse Hillary Clinton for President
You can judge a presidential candidate by the company she keeps. Over the last week, Democrat Hillary Clinton received endorsements from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Americans for Responsible Solutions, and former Attorney General Eric Holder. All are in lock step with the gun control agenda President Obama has pursued during his second term of office, and the plan Clinton has laid out in her gun control campaign platform.
Rep. Schweikert Introduces D.C. Personal Protection Reciprocity Act
Rep. Schweikert Introduces D.C. Personal Protection Reciprocity Act
As the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., attracts Americans from all over the country who come either to serve in government itself or to connect with the history and institutions that define who we are as a republic. Ironically, these same individuals are effectively denied access to one of our most uniquely American rights while in the District, the right to bear arms.
Polls: Americans Oppose Unilateral Actions on Guns; Skeptical of Federal Government and Gun Controls
Polls: Americans Oppose Unilateral Actions on Guns; Skeptical of Federal Government and Gun Controls
Despite a highly-publicized speech and a multi-week media blitz aimed at convincing the American people of the importance and legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s executive maneuvers on gun control, the American people remain unpersuaded. Polls show that Americans are unconvinced about the effectiveness of further gun control measures and are in opposition to Obama’s decision to work outside the traditional political process. An additional poll offers important insight in to one of the reasons the public has repeatedly rejected new federal gun controls.
Martin O'Malley: It's a Tough Slog
Martin O'Malley: It's a Tough Slog
Former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s is currently pulling two percent of the vote among Democrats in the latest poll. He’s so far behind Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, their dust settles by the time he catches up. While Obama seems like he’s talking to himself at times, in O’Malley’s case it’s true. At his campaign rally in Iowa two weeks ago, no one showed up! Well, one guy did show up. And he and O’Malley talked for a while. But at the end, the guy still wouldn’t say who he would support.
More Political Theater from President Obama on Gun Control
More Political Theater from President Obama on Gun Control

In this News Minute from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, Jennifer Zahrn reports that, with his latest executive actions on gun control, President Obama has once again chosen to engage in political grandstanding instead of offering meaningful solutions to our nation’s pressing problems.


Sneak Peek at Next Week's NRA All Access Episode!
Sneak Peek at Next Week's NRA All Access Episode!

NRA All Access meets an inspiring single mother from Florida and how she’s raising her family with a strong passion for the outdoors. Then we meet with the experts to discuss the development of a firearm that would quickly evolve in popularity from competition shooting to self-defense – the AR. Tune in Wednesday, January 20th at 6:30pm ET on Outdoor Channel.


California California
California: Two Anti-Gun Bills that will have a Serious Affect on Semi-Automatic Firearms have been Introduced
Delaware Delaware
Delaware: Radical Ivory Ban Legislation Alive and Moving in Senate
Florida Florida
Florida Alert! So-called "Florida Gun Rights" Group is Scamming You
Georgia Georgia
Anti-Gun lawmakers Introduce Gun Confiscation Bill in Georgia
Michigan Michigan
Michigan: With your Help, Hunting with Suppressors May Soon Become Legal
Nebraska Nebraska
Nebraska: State Preemption Bill Expected for First Floor Debate Next Week
New Hampshire New Hampshire
A New Year and a New Fight for Constitutional/Permitless Carry in New Hampshire
Washington Washington
Governor Labels More than One Hundred Thousand Law-Abiding Constituents in Washington a “Destructive Force”
Washington: 2016 Legislative Session Convenes With Misguided Anti-Gun Legislation Introduced

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.