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NRA on Campus


As a freedom-loving student, we need your help to coordinate and develop pro-gun networks and opportunities for students on your campus and in the surrounding community.


Our opponents often target college campuses as a prime location to ingrain so-called "facts" or Fake News and it is only through the efforts of campus leaders that we can restore the truth about the right to keep and bear arms. To be successful in the fight to keep this basic right, we must educate students on the Second Amendment, NRA, and the gun control debate and we need to teach them how to become better activists both on and off campus. 


Serve as a pro-Second Amendment voice on your college campus by effectively messaging NRA's principles, advocating for NRA-endorsed candidates, and pro-gun legislation while utilizing resources provided to you by the NRA!

Check out the different ways to get involved on your campus today!

As an NRA affiliated program, the NRA Collegiate Coalition chapter works with NRA-ILA staff and NRA Campus Coordinators to promote the Second Amendment on campus.

An NRA Campus Coordinator works to build a pro-Second Amendment network on campus. NRA Campus Coordinators may operate independently on campus, or be part of an NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter.

NRA U is an interactive presentation where students learn about the history of the Second Amendment, the NRA, and the current gun debate. NRA staff travel to your campus to debunk anti-gun myths, answer questions from students, and inform students of opportunities to get involved locally. 



Wednesday, October 6, 1999

Selective Disarmament: No Guns For The Poor By David Kopel

Kopel explains how gun control proponents, like predators in the wild, pick the most vulnerable targets. In the ...


Tuesday, October 5, 1999

The Hidden Agenda Behind Gun Storage Laws By David Kopel

The Independence Institute`s Kopel discusses Canada`s and Great Britain`s "safe storage" laws, which led to government invasion of ...


Monday, October 4, 1999

Our 2nd Amendment: The Original Perspective

Attorney David Kopel explains how the greatest judges and legal scholars have considered the right to arms an ...

Second Amendment  

Monday, October 4, 1999

Our 2nd Amendment: The Original Perspective

Attorney David Kopel explains how the greatest judges and legal scholars have considered the right to arms an ...

Monday, October 4, 1999

Our 2nd Amendment: The Original Perspective

Attorney David Kopel explains how the greatest judges and legal scholars have considered the right to arms an ...

Gun Laws  

Friday, October 1, 1999

Chattanooga Times, Chattanooga, TN ; 7/22/99

Army retiree John Langwasser, 68, heard glass breaking in his Jasper, Tennessee, home one morning and armed himself ...

Gun Laws  

Friday, October 1, 1999

The News & Observer, Raleigh, NC ; 7/17/99

Seventy-one-year-old Lee Carter had operated his Four Oaks, North Carolina, pharmacy in relative peace for a decade before ...

Gun Laws  

Friday, October 1, 1999

Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, PA ; 7/4/99

Bartender Shannon Allen had no way of knowing that cutting off a patron at her workplace, E-Jay's Tavern ...

Gun Laws  

Friday, October 1, 1999

The Dallas Morning News, Dallas, TX ; 7/29/99

Emily Pesti's tranquil Gaithersburg, Maryland, back yard was quickly transformed into a horror-movie-like setting one Sunday night when ...

Gun Laws  

Friday, October 1, 1999

Knoxville News-Sentinel, Knoxville, TN ; 7/15/99

Michael Lamotte told sheriff's deputies in Greene County, Tennessee, that the double-wide mobile home he rented became the ...


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.