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Become an NRA Campus Coordinator

An NRA Campus Coordinator works to build a pro-Second Amendment network on campus. NRA Campus Coordinators may operate independently on campus, or be part of an NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter. Every NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter is required to have an NRA Campus Coordinator as part of its executive board. 

One of the primary goals of an NRA Campus Coordinator will be to identify all existing groups on campus that support the Second Amendment and build relationships for collaborative activism. The NRA Campus Coordinator will use the network they build to bring pro-gun programs such as NRA University to their campus. Like NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapters, NRA Campus Coordinators are eligible to apply for activism funding, unique ideas are always encouraged!

Become an NRA Campus Coordinator


As an NRA affiliated program, the NRA Collegiate Coalition chapter works with NRA-ILA staff and NRA Campus Coordinators to promote the Second Amendment on campus.

NRA U is an interactive presentation where students learn about the history of the Second Amendment, the NRA, and the current gun debate. NRA staff travel to your campus to debunk anti-gun myths, answer questions from students, and inform students of opportunities to get involved locally. 


Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Tribune, Oakland, CA, 11/2/88

Melvin Gearhart had parked his 18-wheeler on a West Oakland, Calif., street for a delivery when a man ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Gazette-Journal, Reno, NV, 11/2/88

The owner of a Las Vegas, Nev., lounge was sitting in a booth with some friends when a ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Times, New York, NY, 11/10/88

Thomas McCann was at his New York City variety store when two men entered and attempted to rob ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Daily Oklahoman, Oklahoma City, OK, 9/13/88

Two unarmed robbers took the cash from the register of an Oklahoma City, Okla., military surplus store. One ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Morning Advocate, Baton Rouge, LA, 10/1/88

A Baton Rouge, La., woman awoke to find a strange man in her bed. After raping the woman, ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The State-Times, Baton Rouge, LA, 11/2/88

Brian Monette was working alone in a Natchitoches, La., convenience store when a "customer" sprayed him with Mace ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Oregonian, Portland, OR, 12/3/88

Following two burglaries at his Portland, Oreg., mobile home, Kevin Mason requested a police stake out. A shortage ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The Daily News, Dayton, OH, 11/29/88

When a stranger showed up at Vernan Moore's German Township, Ohio, home and asked to use the phone, ...

Gun Laws  

Wednesday, February 1, 1989

The News-Herald, Lake County, OH, 10/18/88

William Johnson was squirrel hunting near his Thompson Township, Ohio, home when he heard a child's voice cry ...

Gun Laws  

Sunday, January 1, 1989

The Register, Orange County, CA, 10/22/88

Susan Galewick was home alone when she observed a man unfastening a window screen at her Orange, Calif., ...


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.