"This is a great victory for the people of Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico," said Randy Kozuch, Director of NRA-ILA`s State and Local Affairs division. "The residents of Albuquerque went to the polls and not only elected a mayor who trusts law-abiding citizens by supporting their right of self-protection, but refused Mayor Baca another opportunity to deny that right."
The overwhelming support for pro-Second Amendment candidates Chavez, Bob Schwartz and Mike McEntee, who--combined--garnered roughly 70% of the vote, proves that Mayor Baca has been out of touch with a majority of his constituents. "Mayor Baca`s scare tactics and personal crusade to deny law-abiding citizens the chance to participate in the New Mexico`s Right-to-Carry law, as well as his distortion of the issue in gruesome ads, was clearly rejected by Albuquerque`s voters," added Kozuch.
Mayor Baca`s ordinance #01-108, that would have opted Albuquerque out of New Mexico`s Right-to-Carry law, was overwhelmingly defeated twice by the city council.