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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 17, No. 20 5/21/2010

Mexican President Calls For
Reinstatement Of Failed Gun Ban


On Thursday, Felipe Calderon, the president of Mexico, where prohibitive gun laws prevent good people from having firearms for protection against criminals and governments of dubious legitimacy (historically the norm in Mexico), encouraged Congress to reinstate the federal "assault weapon" ban. With a warning seemingly designed to appeal to those who believe that speaking out against the Obama Administration's policies are one step short of sedition or worse, Calderon said, "[I]f you do not regulate the sale of these weapons in the right way, nothing guarantees that criminals here in the United States with access to the same power of weapons will not decide to challenge American authorities and civilians."


Calderon also misinformed Congress, claiming that violence in Mexico rose significantly after the U.S. ban expired in 2004. In fact, Mexico's murder rate has been stable since 2003 and remains well below rates recorded previously. However, he did not explain why violent crime has declined significantly in the U.S. since the ban expired, or how a ban on flash suppressors and bayonet mounts relates to drug thugs in Mexico or anywhere else.

NRA-PVF Endorsement Policy:  We are rapidly approaching the time when NRA's Political Action Committee the NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) will begin issuing endorsements in elections across the country. 

"In Their Own Words":  On Saturday, May 15, scores of NRA members and gun rights activists attended NRA-ILA's fourth annual special seminar entitled "In Their Own Words" at NRA's Annual Meetings & Exhibits in Charlotte, N.C.  The panel offered a unique and personal perspective to help aid other NRA members in becoming better Second Amendment activists in their own communities. 

In Charlotte, More NRA Members Equaled Less Crime:  NRA's 2010 Annual Meetings in Charlotte, North Carolina are now behind us and were, by all accounts, a great success.  In an article on CharlotteObserver.com, Molly Hedrick of the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority confirmed that the convention was "extremely successful."  In fact, the NRA event was the largest convention in Charlotte history.  With crowds estimated at 70,000 to 85,000, the number of visitors amounted to the equivalent of North Carolina's 10th biggest city, officials have said. 

Rep. Ellsworth Introduces Amendment Addressing Resale Of Once-Fired Cartridge Cases:  This week, by a unanimous voice vote, an NRA-backed amendment was added to the House Armed Services Committee's National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 5136) that will ensure serviceable and once-fired small arms cartridge cases are available for commercial sale. 

Tennessee Restaurant Carry Once Again Vetoed by Gov. Bredesen:  Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen (D) has vetoed NRA-backed legislation that would have given gun owners in the state a chance to defend themselves in restaurants. 

Get Your Copy of Stephen Halbrook's Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms, 1866-1876:  Does the Second Amendment apply to the states?  The Supreme Court will soon decide that critical question.  As that historic day approaches, there's no better time for all Americans to learn more about this issue.

John Lott To Speak In Chicago On "More Guns, Less Crime"--A decade ago, John Lott's best-selling More Guns, Less Crime shattered conventional wisdom about gun control, and changed the academic debate among criminologists and economists from how much gun ownership caused crime to increase, to how much it caused crime to decrease. 

Grassroots News Minute Video:  To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here: 

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

Tuesday, May 25, is primary election day in Idaho.  Please go to www.NRAPVF.org to see a list of all endorsed candidates.


ARIZONA:  Pro-Gun Legislation Signed into Law in Arizona  On Tuesday, May 11, House Bill 2629 was signed into law by Governor Jan Brewer (R).  The bill, as amended, was added after we learned that Mohave County was registering guns when someone would check their firearm at a government building.  These government buildings were recording owner information and serial numbers of firearms.  HB 2629 will make the current actions of Mohave County and any other violating county illegal.  It also clarifies that when an individual is in a self defense situation, there is no duty to retreat before defending yourself if you are otherwise acting lawfully.  If Mohave County continues to illegally register guns, this new law will allow a private citizen to bring suit against the county for violating our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Please contact Governor Brewer and your legislators to thank them for their hard work and support for HB 2629.  You can contact the Governor by phone, at (602) 542-4331; or you can click here to e-mail her.  To contact your legislators, please click here.

CALIFORNIA: Attack on Open Carry Passes Committee, Heads to Assembly Floor for Vote   On Wednesday May 12, the Assembly Appropriations Committee passed Assembly Bill 1934.  AB1934 now heads to the Assembly floor for consideration. AB1934 would outlaw the open carrying of a handgun for self-defense. This bill is a blatant attack on the self-defense rights of law-abiding Californians.  AB1934 is a knee-jerk reaction by anti-gun legislators to punish citizens for engaging in the legal act of openly an unloaded handgun.  In reality the open carrying of firearms by law-abiding citizens is forced by California's unfair concealed carry law, which allows some citizens from some counties to receive a permit to carry, which their neighbors in the next county are denied that basic right for political, not public safety reasons.  Please contact your Assembly Member TODAY and respectfully urge him or her to oppose AB1934.  Contact information for your Assembly Member can be found by clicking here.

GEORGIA:  Two Pro-Gun Bills Awaiting the Governor's Consideration!Two important pro-gun bills (Senate Bill 291 and Senate Bill 308) have passed the General Assembly and are now on Governor Sonny Perdue's (R) desk for his consideration. SB291 would allow a person lawfully licensed to carry a firearm the right to carry in all non-secure areas of airports, as well as while dropping off or picking up passengers at an airport.  Also included in the bill is a provision that would make the license renewal process much easier.  Instead of the licensee having to remember to renew, the probate court will be required to send out renewal notices 90 days before expiration.  SB308 would reform Georgia's carry laws so that the carry license would enable the person to carry any handgun or knife, openly or concealed.  SB 308 would also allow Georgia Firearm License holders to carry in more places by repealing the broad and vague "public gathering ban."  Please continue to contact Governor Perdue today by phone at (404) 656-1776 or via e-mail by clicking here and respectfully urge him to sign SB291 and SB308.  Also, please e-mail State Senator David Shafer (R-48) at [email protected] and State Senator Mitch Seabaugh (R-28) at [email protected] and thank them for all their efforts with these important bills.

Governor Signs Two Pro-Gun Measures into Law in Hawaii!  On Wednesday, May 12, Governor Linda Lingle (R) signed two bills into law that will protect the rights of Hawaii's law-abiding gun owners.  Senate Bill 358, brought forward by State Senator Sam Slom (R-8), will prevent the seizure of legally owned firearms or ammunition from any lawful possessor during an emergency or disaster.  Senator Slom introduced SB358 in 2009 as a response to the widespread seizure of firearms that occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.  The bill languished in the Legislature until the tsunami scare that occurred in Hawaii earlier this year, which propelled the measure through committees and onto the Governor's desk at the close of the legislative session.  Governor Lingle also signed Senate Bill 532.  Also introduced by Senator Slom, this bill will provide protection from civil immunity to a homeowner or an owner of any real property who uses force, including deadly force, for self-defense.  This is a very key provision under the "Castle Doctrine," which is named after the long-held belief that an individual's home is his or her castle and it can be defended from intrusion.  Please contact Governor Lingle and thank her for signing SB358 and SB532 into law.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (808) 586-0034 or click here to send e-mail. 

ILLINOIS:  Anti-Gun Attacks Continue in Springfield!  While the Illinois General Assembly tries to complete its business, anti-gun extremists are putting on a desperate push to pass attacks on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  As mentioned previously, House Bill 5849 and House Bill 5480, both sponsored by State Representative Harry Osterman (D-14), are still expected to be debated on the floor, along with the amendments previously discussed.  Another bill that is likely to be brought up is House Bill 5751, introduced by State Representative Edward Acevedo (D-2), which would ban countless semi-automatic handguns, rifles, and shotguns, and many parts for those guns, as well as .50 caliber rifles and ammunition.  Time is rapidly running out for this year's legislative session, and anti-gun extremists will stop at nothing to try to force through any attack on the Second Amendment that they can!  Please continue to contact your State representative and urge him or her to oppose HB 5480, HB 5751, and HB 5849! Please click here for contact information.

Will County Considering Opening New Hunting LandsThe Will County Board of Commissioners is considering opening up forest preserve land within the county to public hunting opportunities.  The deer population in the forest preserves needs to be managed to maintain balance and sustainability, and one option under consideration is public hunting.  Please take a moment to contact members of the Will County Board of Commissioners and urge them to support public hunting in the forest preserves in Will County as a means to manage the deer population.  To find contact information for County Board Members, please go to http://www.willcountyboard.com/yourcountyboard.htm, and then click on the link for the Board Member you wish to contact.

KANSAS:  Right-to-Carry Reform Legislation Becomes Law On Monday, May 17, Governor Mark Parkinson (D) signed Senate Bill 306, a comprehensive Right-to-Carry reform bill.  NRA worked closely with the Kansas State Rifle Association (KSRA) and the Attorney General's office to clean up and streamline the state's concealed carry statute.  The bill will remove many of the redundant and burdensome provisions in statute and will allow for a much smoother issuing and renewal process.  SB306 will also lower the initial application and renewal fee.  For an overview of the bills many changes please see below.  Please contact Governor Parkinson and your state legislators to thank them for their hard work and support for SB 306.  To see if your state representative voted for this legislation please click here.  The senate voting record can be found here.  To contact your legislator please click here. Contact information for the Governor is listed here.

Kansas State Rifle Association Annual Meeting to be Held June 12-13!  On Saturday, June 12, and Sunday, June 13, the Kansas State Rifle Association (KSRA) will hold its annual meeting at the Grand Prairie Hotel and Convention Center in Hutchinson.  Current KSRA members and Second Amendment supporters are all welcome to attend this two-day event in support of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  The event will kick-off on Saturday morning at 9 a.m., and will include the election of officers and speeches from congressional candidates.  In the evening, there will be a $25-per-plate KSRA PAC fundraiser dinner with additional speakers, including U.S. Representative Todd Tiahrt (R) and former NRA President John Sigler.  Sunday's activities will take place at the Central Kansas Gun Club of Reno County and include a Cowboy Action Shooting exhibition and high power rifle, pistol and shotgun open shoots. These are just a few of the festivities planned for the weekend.  For a complete itinerary and registration form please click here

NEVADA:  Three States Added to Handgun Carry Recognition in Nevada!  In a meeting of the Nevada Sheriff's and Chief's Association on Thursday, May 6, it was announced that three states (New Mexico, North Carolina, and Rhode Island) would be added to the list of states whose carry permits would be recognized by Nevada.  These states now join Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Tennessee, and West Virginia, bringing the number of state permits recognized to 13.  Annually, the Nevada Department of Public Safety conducts a review of the permitting state's policies regarding various issues on concealed carry permits and determines whether that state qualifies in accordance with the Nevada Revised Statutes. Holders of valid permits from these states are allowed to carry a concealed firearm while in the state of Nevada. The permit must be in the possession at all times while carrying a firearm.

NEW YORK:  Legislation Advances that Could Ban All New Semiautomatic Handguns in New York!  Assembly Bill 6468C, sponsored by State Assemblywomen Michelle Schimel (D-16), passed the Assembly, and the Senate version of the bill, Senate Bill 6005, sponsored by State Senator Eric Schneiderman (D-31), is currently pending in the Senate Codes Committee.  Both bills would require that semi-automatic pistols manufactured or delivered to any licensed dealer in the state of New York be capable of micro-stamping, and establish fines for violations of this requirement. If allowed to become law, this bill will serve as a ban on all new semi-automatic handguns in New York State!  It is imperative that you contact your lawmakers and ask their position on A6468C and S6005.  Also, respectfully urge them to oppose these bills. State Assembly Members can be reached by phone at (518) 455-4100.  To find your Assembly Member, please click here.  Your State Senator can be contacted through the Senate switchboard at (518) 455-2800.  To find your State Senator, please click here.  Also, please e-mail NRA-ILA's State & Local Affairs Division at state&[email protected] and let us know what response you are getting from your lawmakers concerning A6468C and S6005.


PENNSLYVANIA:Castle Doctrine Self-Defense Bill to be Considered on Tuesday, May 25!  On Tuesday, May 25, the House Judiciary Committee will consider House Bill 40.  HB40 would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their homes and any places outside of their home where they have a legal right to be.  It is clearly stated that there would be no "duty to retreat" from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground to protect themselves and their family.  HB40 would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker's family when force is used. Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to support HB40.  Contact information for the committee can be found by clicking here.

Three Anti-Gun Bills to be Considered Next Week in Pennsylvania!  On Tuesday, May 25, the House Judiciary Committee will consider three anti-gun bills sponsored by State Representative W. Curtis Thomas (D-181). House Bill 1043 would create a new Bureau of Illegal Firearms Trafficking or a "Firearm Trafficking Czar" in the Office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General.  Passage of this bill has the potential of establishing yet another anti-gun biased bureaucratic agency within the state government. House Bill 1044 would gut Pennsylvania's firearm preemption statute which currently allows only the State Legislature to enact laws pertaining to firearms.  Without a state preemption law, the result would be a complex patchwork of restrictions that change from one local jurisdiction to the next. House Bill 1045 would bring California-style gun-control to the Keystone State and ultimately ban many semi-automatic firearms commonly owned by Pennsylvanians.  HB1045 is an attempt to revive the failed Clinton Gun-Ban that sunset in 2004. These bills pose a very real and serious threat to our rights so it is imperative that you make your voice heard.  Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose HB1043, HB1044, and HB1045.  Contact information for the committee can be found by clicking here.

SOUTH CAROLINA:Hunting Opportunities In Draft Management Plan for Cape Romain NWR  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has released a draft plan for Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge located in Charleston County, SC.  Established in 1932 as a migratory bird refuge, Cape Romain encompasses 66,267 acres along a 22-mile segment of the southeast Atlantic coast.   The draft plan will guide management of the refuge for the next 15 years. The plan presents the current management guidance, along with two management alternatives.  All three approaches to refuge management provide for hunting and fishing opportunities.  The plan can be found at http://www.fws.gov/southeast/planning/.  Click on Draft CCP Documents and scroll down to 'Cape Romain'.  Public comments are being invited until June 1, and can be e-mailed to [email protected].  For further information, please call 912-496-7366.  It is very important for the Service to receive public support for maintaining and enhancing hunting opportunities on Cape Romain.  Anti-hunting interests regularly use the public process to demand that all wildlife refuges be closed to hunting.

TENNESSEE:  State Senate Must Address Restaurant Carry Veto Override  On Tuesday, May 18, Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen (D) vetoed Senate Bill 3012, NRA-backed legislation that would have given gun owners the state chance to defend themselves in establishments that serve alcohol. SB 3012 would have allowed a person who has a valid right-to-carry permit to carry a firearm for self-defense in restaurants where alcohol may be served, as long as the permit holder is not consuming alcohol or is not otherwise prohibited by posting provisions.  A veto override is critical, but due to rules adopted by the Tennessee General Assembly, the State Senate must address the veto override, before the House can take action.  With only a handful of legislative days remaining in both the Senate and House, it is critical that the Senate take up the veto override immediately.  Please contact the Senate Caucus Leaders TODAY and respectfully urge them to take up the veto override early next week, preferably no later than Wednesday, May 26.  Contact information may be found here.

VERMONT:  Mentored Hunting Bill Heads to Governor's Desk!  On April 30, the Vermont State House of Representatives voted to concur on House Bill 243.  The bill now heads to the desk of Governor Jim Douglas (R) for his consideration.  H. 243, introduced by State Representative Steve Adams (R-Windsor 4), would establish a mentored hunting license that would allow prospective hunters to try their hand at hunting before completing a hunter education course.  Apprentice hunters would have to be directly supervised in the field by a mentor who is at least 21 years-old and who holds a valid hunting license.  Experience in more than two-dozen other states with these laws shows that this kind of mentored hunting program is exceptionally safe and will bring many new hunters into the field.  There is no reason to believe that the citizens of Vermont will prove to be the exception to this outstanding track record.  Hunter recruitment is critical to the long-term preservation of our hunting heritage.  Hunter numbers are declining and radical anti-hunting organizations like the Humane Society of the United States are doing everything they can to keep people from hunting.  Please contact Governor Douglas and respectfully ask that he sign H. 243 into law.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (802) 828-3333 and click here to send e-mail. 


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.