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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 12, No. 37 9/16/2005


As was reported last week, in the wake of unspeakable crimes perpetrated by roving, armed gangs and individuals, authorities in New Orleans seized legal firearms from lawful residents, effectively disarming the very citizenry they are sworn to protect.

On Monday, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, and NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox slammed New Orleans authorities for this incredible action.

"What we've seen in Louisiana--the breakdown of law and order in the aftermath of disaster--is exactly the kind of situation where the Second Amendment was intended to allow citizens to protect themselves, " LaPierre said.  "For state, local, or federal government to disarm these good people in their own homes using the threat of imminent deadly force, is unthinkable."
"The NRA will not stand by while guns are confiscated from law-abiding people who're trying to defend themselves," Cox said.  "We're exploring every legal option available to protect the rights of lawful people in New Orleans."

To that end, NRA has put professional investigators to work on the ground in New Orleans and surrounding areas.  News stories and members' detailed accounts have been followed up on, but we need more information.  Some of our best leads have come from rank and file law enforcement, but we need to hear from all directly affected citizens.

If you have personally had a gun confiscated in Louisiana since Hurricane Katrina hit, please call (888) 414-6333.  Be prepared to leave only your name and immediate contact information so we can get back to you.  Once again, we are seeking contact information from actual victims of gun confiscation in Louisiana only.

For additional information, please visit www.NRAILA.org, or e-mail us at [email protected].


As we prepare to celebrate "Constitution Week" (Sept. 17-23), it is important that we keep foremost in our minds the document that governs our great land and makes us unique--the Constitution, and specifically, its Bill of Rights.

Everything we at NRA-ILA do is governed by an unwavering commitment to the Constitution and its Second Amendment guarantee to bear arms.  Sadly, however, not only is the Second Amendment constantly under attack, but so too are other integral parts of this work of genius.  Sometimes attacks are obvious, like licensing, registration, and gun bans.  Sometimes they are more subtle, promoted under the guise of innocuous sounding laws like campaign finance "reform."  Whatever, their form, however, they are all destructive, and must always be met with active resistance.

In particular, the Bill of Rights, which enshrines, among other freedoms, our Right to Keep and Bear Arms, should be viewed as "The People's Section" of the Constitution. Unlike Articles I-III, which lay out the requirements and powers of the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, the Bill of Rights designates no powers to the government.  In fact, it does quite the opposite.  The Bill of Rights restricts government encroachment on the rights on those it governs; on "we the people."

Look at some of the verbiage in the Bill of Rights:  "Congress shall make no law..." (First Amendment; "...shall not be infringed." (Second Amendment); "...shall not be violated..." (Fourth Amendment); "...shall not be construed to deny..." (Ninth Amendment). These phrases protect the people; they don't empower the government.  In a way, the Bill of Rights is where we the people get to say "no" to the government.

Governments have powers.  People have rights.  Thus, the Second Amendment does not guarantee a privilege granted by the government to keep and bear arms.  It explicitly guarantees the right of the people to do so.

Politicians must remember that they can't carve out sections of the Constitution and Bill of Rights they don't like, and profess support for the undivided document.  You either support the Constitution and Bill of Rights, or you don't.  There are too many Chuck Schumers, Hillary Clintons, and Dianne Feinsteins who constantly work to set aside the Second Amendment (and, in the case of campaign finance "reform," the First), while they profess to be upholding their sworn oaths to protect the entire Constitution.

We are blessed to have been given our freedom by our Creator and our system of government by great, brave men.  However, it is up to each of us to ensure we keep it, and that the system works, by actively participating and speaking to others.  Still today, the price of freedom truly is eternal vigilance.

Celebrate "Constitution Week" and honor this great document by actively doing even just a little something to uphold the ideals set forth in this great charter.  Talk to someone about the importance of the Second Amendment; contact your U.S. Representative in support of S. 397, as passed by the Senate; encourage your lawmakers to support H.R. 1288/S. 1082 (D.C. gun ban repeal); register a new pro-gun voter; recruit a new NRA-ILA FrontLines™ Volunteer; or write a letter to the editor.  For more information on undertaking these activities, call the ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683, or visit www.NRAILA.org.

These steps, though sounding small in scope, serve as great homages to our nation's governing document and its principles, and are a phenomenal way to not only strengthen our Second Amendment rights, but to also educate others on the significance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Please spread the word to others that September 17-23 is "Constitution Week," and help us enlighten their lawmakers and fellow Americans.


Virginia is one of only two states holding elections this year, and in preparation for the November 8, election, NRA-ILA is hosting a series of FREE Grassroots-Election Workshops across the state, with stops in Virginia Beach, Harrisonburg, Roanoke, and Leesburg.

At the Workshops, you will hear from pro-freedom candidates and their staff, NRA-ILA representatives, and NRA-ILA Election Volunteer Coordinators (EVCs) on what you can do locally to propel pro-gun candidates to victory on Election Day--November 8, 2005.

The meetings also provide a venue for  lawmakers, candidates, and their staffs to reach out to NRA members and explain their positions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Upcoming Workshops are slated for:

Saturday, September 24, 2005 - Virginia Beach, VA
Saturday, September 24, 2005 - Harrisonburg, VA
Saturday, October 01, 2005 - Leesburg, VA
Saturday, October 01, 2005 - Roanoke, VA

Once again, the Workshops and related materials, including food and drink, are FREE!  NRA members who are interested in attending should contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) for details and to reserve their seats.  NRA members who have access to the Internet can also go to www.nraila.org/workshops/ to reserve their seats on-line.


As you know, the U.S. Senate passed S. 397--the  "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"--by a strong bipartisan vote of 65-31!  This action represents a great victory and a vitally important first step toward ending the anti-gun lobby's shameless attempts to bankrupt the firearm industry through reckless, predatory lawsuits.  It also represents a crucial step forward for law-abiding firearm manufacturers, retailers, and owners in this country.

With Congress now back in session, it is critical that you once again contact your U.S. Representative's Capitol Hill office in Washington, D.C., and urge him/her to pass S. 397 as passed by the Senate!

You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org.  Or you can call your U.S. Representative at (202) 225-3121.

We can and will achieve our mutual goal of finally enacting this common sense law, but only with your continued assistance.  Please help us finish the job once and for all by contacting your U.S. Representative in Washington and urging him/her to support the  "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act" as passed by the Senate.


This year's Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) will be held September 23-25, at the LAX Airport Marriott in Los Angeles, California.  Celebrating its 20th year, the conference is sponsored by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF),  in cooperation with NRA, and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). Attending this year's event will be representatives from major national and state gun rights organizations, including the California Rifle & Pistol Association.  Key speakers at this year's conference will include:  NRA President Sandra S. Froman,  NRA Executive Vice President Wayne R. LaPierre, and Professor Eugene Volokh of the UCLA Law School.  Other panelists will include: acclaimed author and scholar, John R. Lott, Jr.  (author of the book "The Bias Against Guns"); syndicated radio show host Tom Gresham  (host of the "Gun Talk" radio show); NRA-ILA's Director of Federal Affairs Chuck Cunningham, and others.  Registration, conference materials, receptions, and a Saturday luncheon are free.  Participants are required to pay for their own lodging, travel, and other meals.  Advance registration is required.  For more information, or to
register for this year's GRPC, please call (425) 454-7012, or visit www.saf.org/default.asp?p=GRPC.


(****For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org.  As always, thank you for your support.****)

As reported last week, the State Senate adjourned with no action on Assembly Bill 352 or Senate Bill 357.  These bills cannot be acted upon until the second half of the session begins next year.  AB 352 would expand the definition of unsafe handguns to include semi-automatic pistols that are not designed and equipped with an array of microscopic characters, which identify the make, model, and serial number of the pistol by imprinting the characters on each cartridge case when the firearm is discharged.  SB 357 would require that all handgun ammunition carry a unique serial number engraved on both the bullet and the case and be registered to the purchaser. SB 357 bans the manufacture, transfer, and possession of non-serialized handgun ammunition after July 1, 2009, and possession of non-serialized ammunition would be a crime. SB 357 would also require ammunition vendors and manufacturers to register with the Department of Justice. Thank you for all of your efforts this year to defeat AB 352 and SB 357!  As the session reconvenes in 2006, we will keep you informed of any actions taken on these measures. Unfortunately, Assembly Bill 996 has passed out of the legislature.  AB 996 would require all retailers to display and sell ammunition in a manner that is only accessible by an employee, not the purchaser.  Any violation of this measure would result in a misdemeanor.  Please contact Governor Schwarzenegger's office and urge him to oppose this onerous legislation further restricting your rights!  The Governor can be reached at (916) 445-2841. 

Mark your calendars and spread the word!  MA-10 EVC Don Kusser is hosting a "Constitutional Rally" tomorrow, Saturday, September 17, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The rally will take place at Faxon Field across from the Quincy Police Department in Quincy, MA.  The event is free and open to the public.  For more information, please contact Don Kusser by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (781) 871-1115. 

Tomorrow, the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association will host the first annual RPA-PAC fundraising dinner featuring NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, and  NRA 1st Vice President John Sigler.  Please plan to attend the dinner, which will start at 6:00 p.m., tomorrow, Saturday, September 17, and will be held at the Holiday Inn, Fishkill, located at I-84, exit 13, at Route 9.  Advance tickets are available for $50 or you can purchase tickets at the door for $60.  To purchase tickets, please visit www.nysrpa.org or call (518) 272-2654 or (800) 469-7772.  In addition, on Sunday October 16, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Doors open at 12:00 Noon), the Sportsmen's Association for Firearms Education Inc. (S.A.F.E.) will be hosting its "2005 Right to Carry Conference & Second Amendment Rally." The event will be held at the Sheraton, Long Island, 110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Smithtown, NY, (631) 231-1100, (on Motor Parkway on North side of LIE between exits 53 & 55).  In attendance at the event will be:  Wayne R. LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President; John C. Sigler, NRA First Vice President; Randy A. Daniels, Secretary of State, State of New York; Jim Fotis, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Alliance of America; and John L. Cushman, S.A.F.E. President and Founder, and NRA Director. At the conference, you will get the latest information on the Right-to-Carry on Long Island, meet and network with fellow sportsmen, raise issues of concern with local and national leaders of Second Amendment organizations and local legislators, and win valuable prizes in drawings limited to attendees only.  Admission and parking is free and the event is open to your family and friends.

Governor Jim Douglas (R) and the Vermont Legislature have declared September 23, 2005 "Hunter Appreciation Day."  To commemorate this special occasion there will be a ceremony held in the Cedar Creek Room of the Vermont State House at 10:00 a.m.  Governor Douglas, legislative leaders, NRA-ILA representatives, and other special guests will honor the contributions that generations of hunters have made to the State of Vermont.  The United States Postal Service has commissioned a special stamp cancellation to celebrate "Hunter Appreciation Day" which will look great when placed on a one-of-a-kind postcard available through the Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs.  For details, visit: www.vtfsc.org/ABOUT_US/HunterAppreciationDay.htm.  The public is welcome at the State House event, and we hope to see you there. 

The "Richmond Metro Friends of NRA" cordially invites you to attend their 13th Annual Fun Shoot and Banquet fundraiser, Saturday, September 24, 2005.  The event will take place at Sussex Shooting Sports, located on Rt. 460, 2 miles west of the Town of Waverly.  No need to bring your  personal firearms--firearm manufacturer representatives will be on hand and provide all the handguns and shotguns you can shoot.  Crossbow representatives will also man a special range in anticipation of Virginia's new crossbow hunting season.  Gates open at 1:00 p.m., and dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m.  There will be a live auction, silent auction, special drawings, and door prizes.  Prizes include limited edition firearms, custom knives, and NRA Commissioned Art.  Champion Action Pistol shooter Todd Jarrett will also perform a shooting exhibition.  Banquet tickets are $35.00 each.  For additional information on tickets, event sponsorships, contributions, or to assist the committee, please call Frankie Barham at (804) 598-5425 or visit the committee's web site at www.geocities.com/rmfnra.  Also, the "Virginia Shooting Sports Association" (VSSA), NRA's Virginia state affiliate, cordially invites you to attend their Annual Meeting and "NRA Shooting Sports Clinic" Saturday, October 1, 2005.  The Annual Meeting and Shooting Sports Clinic will take place at Holiday Lake 4-H Education Center, located on Rt. 723, Appomattox, Virginia.  Spend the day shooting air rifles, shotguns, and high powered rifles.  Then stay for dinner and hear about VSSA's accomplishments during the past year.  The NRA Shooting Sports Clinic is open to VSSA members and non-VSSA members alike, and is a great opportunity to introduce your children or adult friends to the shooting sports.  Lodging is available at the center.  For additional information on lodging, meals, and pre-registration, please call the VSSA Office at (540) 672-5848 or visit the VSSA web site at www.myvssa.org/am.htm.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.