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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 11, No. 39 10/1/2004


In a tremendous pro-Second Amendment victory, on September 29, the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act--" legislation seeking to restore the right of self-protection to law-abiding citizens of Washington, D.C.  HR 3193, which was introduced by Representatives Mark Souder (R-Ind.) and Mike Ross (D-Ark.), passed by a bi-partisan vote of 250-171.  The bill is the House companion to Senate bill S. 1414, introduced by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).

The legislation now heads to the Senate for approval.  Please contact your U.S. Senators and urge them to cosponsor and support S. 1414.  You can find contact information for your elected officials by using the "Write Your Representatives" tool at www.NRAILA.org, or you can call your U.S. Senators at (202) 224-3121.


A Special Message from NRA
Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre: 
Tune in to iN DEMAND Pay-Per-View and
Watch the U.N. Gun Debate!

Make plans now to watch iN DEMAND Pay-Per-View on October 12 for my 90-minute debate with international gun-ban ringleader Rebecca Peters.  And after the debate, be sure to vote on whether the U.S. Senate should approve the U.N.`s gun-ban treaty!

Rebecca Peters almost single-handedly brought gun confiscation to Australia and to England, and is now the most feared gun-banner in the world.  With more than 500 gun control organizations under her command worldwide, and with the unlimited financial backing of billionaire George Soros, she`s determined to make gun confiscation a reality here in the United States— through a U.N.-backed treaty that would be binding on every American citizen. 

You and every American gun owner need to watch this debate—and see first-hand this enormous and very real threat to our Second Amendment rights.   

Tune in on October 12, and you`ll see how gun banners have taken over the U.N.—and how they intend to infect America with their anti-gun poison.  You`ll see for yourself how the biggest coalition of gun-ban organizations ever assembled on earth is working with the U.N. and with U.S. politicians to take away your rights.

You`ll learn the truth about George Soros — the foreign-born American financier who is spending his personal fortune to advance the global gun-ban movement as well as elect John Kerry to the White House on November 2.  And you`ll see for yourself why U.N. gun-ban extremists will be rejoicing around the world if John Kerry is elected President.

To prevent our nation from living under this soon-to-be-drafted United Nations gun ban treaty in the years ahead, every American needs to know what the U.N. intends to do with our Second Amendment rights—and every gun owner needs to watch this debate.

Please tune in to this historic debate.  See the threat for yourself.  And invite your gun-owning friends, neighbors, and co-workers to watch with you.

I promise you, you`ll never look at the U.N. in the same way again—and you`ll get the information you need to help defeat this U.N.-backed effort to ban our guns.  Thanks in advance for watching—and for Voting!

SHOWTIME: Tuesday, October 12,  9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m., EST


iN DEMAND is the world`s largest provider of Pay-Per-View television programming.  Ordering methods vary from one local cable system to another, with the use of either your cable remote or your telephone. Call your local cable company for more
information about its Pay-Per-View ordering process.  Pricing is also determined by your local cable system.  Please note that this debate will not be available on DIRECTV, Dish Network, or any other satellite network.  Remember, the calling volume increases immediately before the start of an event. In order to avoid getting a busy signal we recommend that you place your order several hours beforehand.  Thank you in advance for watching this important debate!!!


At the end of the debate, you`ll be provided a password allowing you to vote, using the Internet or your telephone, on this critical question: "Should the United State Senate ratify the proposed United Nations treaty that bans private ownership of firearms?"

It`s vitally important for gun owners to win this vote—and show the world that we won`t give up our Second Amendment rights without a fight!  But only those who have ordered this Pay-Per-View show and obtained the password are allowed to vote.  So please, make sure to watch at the end of the show for your password, then cast YOUR vote for freedom!

SHOWTIMES (All Showtimes are Eastern Time)

Tuesday, October 12—9:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 12—10:30 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 13—12:00 a.m. -   1:30 a.m.

Thursday, October 14—6:30 p.m. -   8:00 p.m.

Friday, October 15—5:30 a.m. -   7:00 a.m.

Friday, October 15—11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Saturday, October 16—3:30 p.m. -   5:00 p.m.

Sunday, October 17—9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Monday, October 18—11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Monday, October 18—8:00 p.m. -   9:30 p.m.

Tuesday, October 19—6:30 a.m. -   8:00 a.m.

Wednesday, October 20—4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday, October 20—11:00 p.m. - 12:30 a.m.


One of the simplest, yet most important, things gun owners can do this election season is ensure they are currently registered to vote.  Our vote is our voice; if we don`t use it, we will lose it!  We can`t afford to let others decide for us who will represent our interests in Washington or in the state legislature.  Even if you can`t vote in person on November 2, your voice can still be heard!  Early voting (where one votes prior to Election Day, either in-person or by mail) is underway now, or will commence shortly, in many states.  Also, every state allows absentee voting if you plan to be away on November 2.  But time is running out!  Remember, some states require individuals to register to vote well in advance, so if you haven`t registered, please be sure to do so right away!  NRA-ILA has a section on its website that will provide you with information about early voting and absentee voting options that will make your participation easier.  You can also use this site to register to vote, or to update your voter registration to reflect a recent change in residence.  To access this site, please go to www.NRAILA.org, and click on the "NRA-ILA HelpingAmericansVote" icon and select your state.  Or, you can go directly to the site at  http://NRA.HelpingAmericansVote.org.


The  official NRA campaign site— www.NRAPVF.org  —will serve as your one-stop campaign reference guide this election season.  The site is loaded with all of the critical information you`ll need to make informed decisions on Election Day, November 2.  Included on the site are news stories, articles from NRA`s magazines, NRA-PVF press releases, polling information, and, as of today, a complete listing of NRA-PVF candidate grades and endorsements!

In addition to all of the late-breaking campaign news, candidate grades and endorsements, and firearm issue background information, you will also find our multimedia section— www.nrapvf.org/Multimedia/Default.aspx —which houses easy-to-access ads that are perfectly suited for distribution among your fellow NRA Members!  You may have seen our most recent ad campaign: "John Kerry—That Dog Don`t Hunt."  You can view this add and help us spread the word about Kerry`s campaign to deceive America`s sportsmen by ordering your own "That Dog Don`t Hunt" t-shirt.  Please visit these sites frequently and share them with your fellow NRA Members.

With so few days between now and Election Day, November 2,  please be sure that you leave no stone unturned in your efforts! Keep up the great work, and "Vote Freedom First" on November 2!


With the 2004 elections now only a month away, NRA-ILA is winding down its FREE Grassroots Election Workshops across the country over the next week.  These Workshops provide NRA members with training on what they can do locally to propel pro-gun candidates to victory in 2004. The meetings also provide a venue for  lawmakers, candidates, and their staffs to reach out to NRA members and explain their positions on our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Remaining Workshops are slated for: 

-Flagstaff, Arizona   10/2/04

-Spokane, Washington  10/2/04

-Pensacola, Florida  10/2/04

-Orlando, Florida   10/4/04

-Menomonie, Wisconsin  10/5/04

-Fort Myers, Florida  10/5/04

-Coral Gables, Florida  10/7/04

-Westby, Wisconsin  10/7/04

NRA members who are interested in attending should contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) for details and to reserve their seats.  NRA members who have access to the Internet can also go to www.nraila.org/workshops/ to reserve their seats on-line (if available).


Once again, out-of-state animal "rights" extremists are seeking to force their will on Alaskans by seeking to ban the use of bear management techniques commonly used by the Department of Fish and Game.  Funded largely by fanatical anti-hunting groups such as Greenpeace and PETA, this ballot measure would, in addition to restricting the methods used by hunters to attract bears, ban the intentional feeding of bears for the purpose of photography or viewing, and prohibit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game from live trapping and relocating problem bears. If found in violation of this proposed law, one could spend a year in jail and face a hefty $10,000 fine for each offense.  It`s time to say "NO" to a radical agenda that would prevent Alaska`s professional game biologists from utilizing one of the most effective game management tools available.  It`s time to say "NO" to extremists who seek to punish law-abiding Alaskans for protecting their children and pets from predatory bears, and it`s time to say "NO," once and for all, to out-of-state interests that would deny local control or public involvement on an issue of this importance.  Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow sportsmen to vote "NO" on BALLOT MEASURE 3 in the November 2 election. 

Now is the time to make reservations for the "My Gun Saved My Life!" banquet celebrating the 10th Anniversary of Arizona CCW Law.  The banquet will be held tomorrow,  Saturday, October 2, at the Shrine Auditorium in Phoenix.  Doors will open at 3:00 p.m., and a prime rib dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m.  NRA First Vice President Sandy Froman will be one of the gun-rights speakers featured at this event.  Tickets are still available and can be reserved by calling: (800) 426-4302 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PDT, M-F.  Proceeds after expenses will be donated to benefit the Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association`s Junior Firearms Education Program.  Please encourage your family members and friends to attend as well. 

National animal "rights" groups, led by the Humane Society of the United States, have organized and funded a ballot initiative for the November 2 election that would ban the three traditional methods of bear hunting--baiting, hunting with dogs, and trapping. These groups routinely use ballot measures to curtail hunting throughout the country and have been successful in several states, including banning all trapping in nearby Massachusetts.  Please be sure to encourage your family, friends, and fellow sportsmen to vote "NO" on QUESTION 2 on this initiative in the November 2 election. 

The voter registration deadline for November`s general election, is Monday, October 4.  Please visit http://nra.helpingamericansvote.org, to learn more about registering to vote in your state.

On Sunday October 3, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Doors open at 12:00 Noon), the Sportsmen`s Association for Firearms Education Inc. (S.A.F.E.) will be hosting its "2004 Right to Carry Conference" & Second Amendment Rally. The event will be held at the Sheraton, Long Island, 110 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Smithtown, NY, (631) 231-1100, (on Motor Parkway on North side of LIE between exits 53 & 55).  In attendance at the event will be:  Wayne R. LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President; The Honorable Bob Barr, Former Member, U.S. House of Representatives; Kayne Robinson, NRA President; John C. Sigler, NRA Second Vice President; Jim Fotis, Executive Director, Law Enforcement Alliance of America; John L. Cushman, S.A.F.E. President and NRA Director.  Candidates for U.S. Senate from New York have also been invited!  At the conference, you will get the latest information on the Right-to-Carry on Long Island, meet and network with fellow sportsmen, raise issues of concern with local and national leaders of Second Amendment organizations and local legislators, and win valuable prizes in drawings limited to attendees only.  Admission & parking is free and the event is open to your family and friends. 

The voter registration deadline for November`s general election, is Monday, October 4.  Please visit http://nra.helpingamericansvote.org, to learn more about registering to vote in your state.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.