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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 10, No. 7 2/14/2003


Readers of the Grassroots Alert have long known that the anti-gun movement (including its supporters in the media) is a monolithic bloc, supporting the same gun ban agenda. That point has once again been reinforced.

Unlike this Alert, which uses great care to cite its sources, it is apparent that at least one leader of the anti-freedom crusade does not adhere to the same ethical standard. As reported by CNSNews.com (Feb. 7, 2003), allegations of plagiarism are swirling around Leah Barrett, Executive Director of Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse (MAHA).The whole saga is fraught with Barrett’s incestuous regurgitation of quotes by anti-gun leaders and members of the media.

On Feb. 3, Barrett was quoted in a CNSNews.com piece as saying, "The rabid NRA has no better ally in Washington than Attorney General John Ashcroft, once featured in a National Rifle Association magazine cover story as `a breath of fresh air` in the capital." It appears, though, as this thought was not entirely her own. In a Jan. 30 Associated Press (AP) article, reporter Curt Anderson penned, "Gun owners may have no better ally in Washington than Attorney General John Ashcroft, once featured in a National Rifle Association magazine cover story as ‘a breath of fresh air’ in the capital." Barrett, when questioned if she received permission to use the copyrighted AP verbiage responded, "The quotes and the feelings are absolutely authentic."

Barrett’s parroting of Anderson did not stop there, however. Barrett’s quote that, "The switch gives Ashcroft the opportunity to weaken oversight and regulation in such areas as federal licensing for gun sellers, how banned assault weapons are defined and whether to expand a ballistics matching system that traces guns used in crimes" is identical to Anderson’s statement, "The switch gives Ashcroft the opportunity to weaken oversight and regulation in such areas as federal licensing for gun sellers, how banned assault weapons are defined and whether to expand a ballistics matching system that traces guns used in crimes."

Incredibly, Barrett also opined, "You have the most pro-gun attorney general in history taking over the controls of ATF." Now read what Matthew Nosanchuk, Litigation Director of the rabidly anti-gun Violence Policy Center, said on this subject, as reported in Anderson’s Jan. 30 AP piece: "You have the most pro-gun attorney general in history taking over the reins of the ATF."

Finally, Miss Barrett offered the following: "You really have to wonder what level of commitment he (General Ashcroft) will have to regulate guns in this country." This language mirrored a quote in Anderson’s piece attributed to Eric Gorovitz, a policy director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence which read, "You’ve got to wonder what his (Ashcroft’s) commitment is going to be to regulate guns in this country."

Barrett’s justification for aping the Nosanchuk and Gorovitz quotes was that it’s commonplace for anti-gun groups to mimic each other in their statements because the groups’ "sentiments are absolutely the same." Of course this "revelation" comes as no surprise for those of us who have long known that the various anti-gun groups are peas in the same pod.

You would think someone with Barrett’s background would know better, as her biography references her 14 years of corporate communications experience.


As reported by the Los Angeles Times today (Feb. 14), Los Angeles County will pay the organizers of the Great Western Gun Show $1.6 million to compensate plaintiffs for litigation costs.

Organizers sued the county claiming that a prohibition of the show on county’s fairgrounds violated their First Amendment rights. Though this placebo ordinance will stand, the show’s organizers have pledged to continue to hold the event at a new venue.


In keeping with our policy of appropriately citing our sources (per lead story), the following appeared in Feb. 5 edition of the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s "Bullet Points" newsletter:

"BATF has created a new form for nonimmigrant aliens temporarily importing firearms and ammunition. These temporary importations must be to hunt or to attend a competitive target shooting event or sports/hunting trade show, sponsored by a national, state, or local firearms organization devoted to the collection, competitive use, or other sporting use of firearms. The new form is called ATF Form 6NIA (Application and Permit for Temporary Importation of Firearms and Ammunition by Nonimmigrant Aliens). Nonimmigrant aliens must use this new form, rather than the ATF Form 6 Part 1 (Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War).

"The new form eliminates provisions from the ATF Form 6 Part 1 that are not applicable to nonimmigrant aliens making temporary imports for sporting purposes. It also includes provisions to ensure nonimmigrant aliens fall within an exception to the general prohibition on nonimmigrant aliens possessing firearms and ammunition in the United States. Accordingly, the new form should simplify the importation process for nonimmigrant aliens temporarily bringing firearms and ammunition into the United States for hunting or other lawful sporting purposes.

"If you are in contact with a nonimmigrant alien who wants to temporarily import firearms or ammunition for sporting purposes, please let them know about the new form. The form may be downloaded from the BATF website at www.atf.gov. The ATF Distribution Center also will mail out copies of the form upon request. (The Distribution Center number is 703-455-7801.) The ATF Web site has a Frequently Asked Questions section discussing nonimmigrant issues and the new form. If you have any questions regarding importation of firearms, please contact the ATF Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch at (202) 927-8320."



On Wednesday, February 12, the State House overwhelming approved House Bill 1359, which allows trained, law-abiding Right to Carry permit holders to carry their concealed handgun in certain restaurants and public parks. The bill now heads to the Senate Judiciary Committee early next week for consideration. Also, HB 1326, a bill protecting the firearms industry against reckless lawsuits has been approved by the full House. It now moves to the Senate side for consideration. Please contact your State Senators at (501) 682-6107 and urge them to support HB 1359 and HB 1326.


Help protect and strengthen our Second Amendment Rights by attending this year’s "Gun Rights Rally Day." The rally will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2003 from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, in the State Capitol Rotunda in Jefferson City. The event will include feature keynote addresses by nationally recognized pro-Second Amendment leaders, including NRA Director and former U.S. Representative Harold Volkmer. This is a golden opportunity for you to join pro-freedom activists from across the "Show Me State" in support of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Following the noon conclusion of the rally, you will have the chance to meet and speak with your legislators in person! Gateway Civil Liberties Alliance (GCLA) is arranging bus transportation from throughout the state and can provide additional information on the rally. To reserve your seat on the bus, or for more details, please contact GCLA at: (314) 385-GUNS (4867) or 1-866-385-GUNS (4867), via e-mail at [email protected], or visit their website www.gclastl.org.


On February 11, House File 261, the NRA-backed Personal Protection Act was approved by the House Civil Law Committee. HF 261 would establish a uniform system for the issuance of Right to Carry permits across the state. The full House is expected to consider it in the coming weeks. Please start calling your Representative today at (651)296-2146 and urge him to support HF 261.


A hearing on House Bill 811 has been scheduled in the House Judiciary Committee for Friday, March 14. HB 811 is an NRA-backed bill seeking to safeguard New Hampshire`s law-abiding gun owners by preventing a patchwork of conflicting local anti-gun ordinances in municipalities throughout the state. The bill would also protect firearm manufacturers from reckless lawsuits aimed at bankrupting the industry. We urge you to contact members of the Judiciary Committee and ask that they vote "YES" on HB 811. For a list of committee members, please contact the Grassroots Division at (800) 392-8683 or click here. We also encourage NRA members to attend the hearing on Friday, March 14, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 208 of the Legislative Office Building.


Thanks to your letters and phone calls, SB 29 (Amodei), a bill that would have give cities and counties the power to regulate open carry under certain circumstances, was tabled in the Senate Transportation Committee at the author`s request. Please call Senator Amodei at (775) 684-1470 and thank him for his action.


House Bill 12, NRA-backed Right to Carry legislation, that would allow law-abiding citizens who have satisfied a criminal background check and taken a training course to obtain a permit to carry a handgun concealed for personal protection, has been introduced in the House. Sponsor testimony will be heard in the Criminal Justice Committee on Tuesday, February, 18 at 2:30 p.m. in room 114 of the State House. For more information on HB 12, you can log onto the State’s website at www.legislature.state.oh.us.


House Bill 1182, a measure that would exempt certain shooting ranges from the 1% gross receipt tourism tax, will soon be heard before the Senate Taxation Committee. Please contact your State Senator today and ask for his support. To obtain a list of committee members and to view the full text of the bill, log onto http://legis.state.sd.us/index.cfm.


This week, Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp (R) introduced HB 878, NRA-backed legislation which clarifies that local governments cannot post signs under the state`s criminal trespass law to prohibit concealed handgun licensees from entering public buildings. Please contact your State Representatives by using the "Write Your Reps" feature located at www.NRAILA.org and urge them to sign on as co-authors to HB 878. To view a copy of the bill, visit www.house.state.tx.us.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.