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NRA Collegiate Coalition

The newest addition to our campus programs is the NRA Collegiate Coalition, which is an NRA-ILA branded chapter-based organization available on campus. As an NRA affiliated program, the NRA Collegiate Coalition chapter works with NRA-ILA staff and NRA Campus Coordinators to promote the Second Amendment on campus.

The NRA-ILA provides resources for chapter use to inform students about current issues. Based on the geographic location of your campus, this may include election activism and legislative priorities. An array of NRA Collegiate Coalition materials such as stickers, cups, bottle openers, and sunglasses are available at no cost to groups for events and tabling on campus.

Typical Activities of NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapters:

Host the NRA U program on campus

Educate those attending NRA Collegiate Coalition meetings on relevant issues

Advance NRA’s Legislative Agenda

Support NRA-PVF Endorsed Candidates

Table on Campus

Exhibit at a local gun show or community event

Your chapter is not limited to the activities above. All chapters are encouraged to come up with creative ways to advance the Second Amendment on their campus! Chapters may submit an event request to the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division to apply for funding when necessary. 

After the receipt of your completed paperwork and acceptance as an NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter, we will send you a free box of supplies to start your campus engagement. Official recognition as a Student Organization on your campus is preferred, but not mandatory. 

If you are interested in starting a chapter on your campus, let us know! Fill out the form below:

NRA Collegiate Coalition

NRA Collegiate Coalition

An NRA Campus Coordinator works to build a pro-Second Amendment network on campus. NRA Campus Coordinators may operate independently on campus, or be part of an NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter.

NRA U is an interactive presentation where students learn about the history of the Second Amendment, the NRA, and the current gun debate. NRA staff travel to your campus to debunk anti-gun myths, answer questions from students, and inform students of opportunities to get involved locally. 


Gun Laws  

Tuesday, September 1, 1981

The Times, St. Petersburg, FL, 5/27/81

Having just dozed off in a rear room of her Chassahowitzka, Fla., gas station, Gladys Huey was awakened ...

Gun Laws  

Tuesday, September 1, 1981

The News, Lake Wales, FL, 6/4/81

James Pedersen was in his Waverly, Fla., home when a burglar alarm attached to his father's house went ...

Gun Laws  

Tuesday, September 1, 1981

The Herald, Everett, WA, 5/31/81

Despite being beaten over the head by a "customer" in his Edmonds, Wash., jewelry store, Roy Bartell, 72, ...

Gun Laws  

Tuesday, September 1, 1981

The Globe-Democrat, St. Louis, MO, 2/1/81

A man wielding a sawed-off shotgun forced his way into William Elliot's East St. Louis, Mo., home and ...

Gun Laws  

Tuesday, September 1, 1981

The Sun, Springfield, OH, 4/9/81

Upon returning home from work, Charles Wilkerson heard a prowler upstairs in his Springfield, Ohio, house. Wilkerson got ...

Gun Laws  

Saturday, August 1, 1981

The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ, 5/26/81

Gladys Kastensmith, 77, was awakened by the sounds of someone trying to break into her Phoenix, Ariz., home. ...

Gun Laws  

Saturday, August 1, 1981

The Press, Evansville, IN, 5/29/81

Seeing a man carrying a purse run across a nearby yard, Kenneth Luigs went to investigate and found ...

Gun Laws  

Saturday, August 1, 1981

The Constitution, Atlanta, GA, 3/6/81

Three men entered a Macon, Ga., restaurant, and one pointed a sawed-off rifle at proprietor Archie McBride and ...

Gun Laws  

Saturday, August 1, 1981

The Journal, Lincoln, NE, 6/2/81

Awakened by noises coming over the intercom burglary system he rigged up between his house and his Murray, ...

Gun Laws  

Saturday, August 1, 1981

The Record News, Wichita Falls, TX, 4/10/81

Robert Green was inside the camper parked in his Wichita Falls, Tex., driveway when he spotted a man ...


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.