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Become an NRA Campus Coordinator

An NRA Campus Coordinator works to build a pro-Second Amendment network on campus. NRA Campus Coordinators may operate independently on campus, or be part of an NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter. Every NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapter is required to have an NRA Campus Coordinator as part of its executive board. 

One of the primary goals of an NRA Campus Coordinator will be to identify all existing groups on campus that support the Second Amendment and build relationships for collaborative activism. The NRA Campus Coordinator will use the network they build to bring pro-gun programs such as NRA University to their campus. Like NRA Collegiate Coalition Chapters, NRA Campus Coordinators are eligible to apply for activism funding, unique ideas are always encouraged!

Become an NRA Campus Coordinator


As an NRA affiliated program, the NRA Collegiate Coalition chapter works with NRA-ILA staff and NRA Campus Coordinators to promote the Second Amendment on campus.

NRA U is an interactive presentation where students learn about the history of the Second Amendment, the NRA, and the current gun debate. NRA staff travel to your campus to debunk anti-gun myths, answer questions from students, and inform students of opportunities to get involved locally. 


Gun Laws  

Sunday, July 1, 2001

The News-Tribune, Tacoma, WA, 4/28/01

A Tacoma, Wash., woman shot and killed her 48-year-old ex-boyfriend after he broke into her home and threatened ...

Friday, June 29, 2001

Kmart`s Blue Light Turns to Red for Handgun Owners

Kmart, one of the nation`s largest firearm retailers, announced yesterday that it will no longer sell handgun ammunition ...

Friday, June 29, 2001

North Carolina Legislative Alert - SB680

Please call your State Representatives at (919) 733-7928 and urge them to support SB 680 without the gun ...


Friday, June 29, 2001

Disarming Honest Citizens

Forword to The Seven Myths of Gun Control, by Richard Poe By David HorowitzRead Original at: Frontpage Magazine.com


Thursday, June 28, 2001

Gun Control Can`t Legislate Sanity

By David L. Peltz Read Original at: dailynews.com


Thursday, June 28, 2001

Review Of NICS Record Keeping "Tremendous Step In The Right Direction"

NRA Urges Justice Department to Immediately Destroy Personal Information about Law-abiding Americans


Tuesday, June 26, 2001

Did British Gun Control Work?

By Iain MurrayRead Original at: NewsMax.com


Monday, June 25, 2001

New AMA Head`s Inaugural Address

New head of the AMA describes his plans to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners.Read Original ...

Friday, June 22, 2001

New Mexico Local Update

The City of Santa Fe will hold two more public hearings on whether the city should "opt-out" of ...


Friday, June 22, 2001

Campaign Finance Fantasies

by Patrick Basham The goals of campaign finance reformers are exposed as utopian dreams. Read Original at: The ...


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.