On July 11th, Governor John Carney signed Senate Bill 198 into law to expand hunting opportunities in Delaware by eliminating the prohibition against hunting for deer on Sundays and allowing for the harvesting of deer on Sundays through DNREC’s deer depredation programs. SB 198 had received overwhelming support in the General Assembly, passing the Senate by a vote of 17-2 and the House of Representatives by a vote of 39-2. Your NRA would like to thank Senator Bruce Ennis (D-14) and Representative William Carson (R-28) for sponsoring this legislation, Gov. Carney for his signature, and all of the other legislators who made this possible.
Prohibitions on Sunday hunting are old blue laws left on the books in just a handful of states. They deny hunters access one day per week despite the fact that each year, hunters pump millions of dollars into habitat restoration and conservation through Pittman-Robertson funds.
Many hunters are prevented from introducing their children or friends to hunting because they are competing against organized sports and other activities on Saturday, which is currently their only opportunity to hunt outside of the work or school week. Countless hunters stop hunting because of the lack of opportunity, both in time and accessible land. The addition of an extra day in the field, especially on the weekend, increases the opportunity to enjoy our hunting heritage. Allowing hunting on Sundays will invigorate essential hunter recruitment and retention efforts.
Please stay tuned to your email inbox and www.nraila.org for further updates on issues affecting your Second Amendment rights and hunting heritage in the First State.