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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 18, No. 40 9/30/2011



Yesterday, a federal judge in the Northern District of Texas ruled that the federal ban on dealer sales of handguns to adults from the ages of 18 to 20 does not violate the Second Amendment. The National Rifle Association plans to file a prompt appeal of the court's ruling to the Fifth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

"We strongly disagree with this ruling," said Chris W. Cox, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action.  "As we said when we filed this case, adults 18 and up have fought and died for American freedom throughout our country's history. They are adults for virtually every legal purpose under federal and state law, and that should include the ability to buy handguns from licensed dealers to defend themselves, their homes and their families. Our fellow plaintiffs in this case are law-abiding and responsible young adults.  We plan to defend their rights to the very end."

The case is Jennings v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. A related case challenging Texas' ban on issuance of concealed handgun licenses to adults in the same age group is still pending before the same court.


ANTI-GUN ATTACKS ON NATIONAL RIGHT-TO-CARRY BILL CONTINUE:  As we reported last week, H.R. 822, the "National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011" has recently come under attack from some expected and unexpected quarters.  The usual culprits-- i.e., the anti-gun media, like the New York Times and the Washington Post; anti-gun organizations, like the Brady Campaign; and New York City Mayor Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns--are a given.  Regrettably, though, even some so-called "pro-gun" organizations are attacking this critically important bill.


A VICTORY FOR OREGON UNIVERSITIES' STUDENTS, STAFF AND FACULTY:  In what promises to be a continuing debate on the rights of law-abiding citizens, the Oregon Court of Appeals ruled this week that banning firearms on the grounds of Oregon's public universities exceeded the scope of the university system's authority, thereby opening up the state's campuses to individuals who hold valid concealed handgun licenses. 


GROUPS FILE SPURIOUS PETITION TO PROTECT NEVADA BEARS:  Among the more desperate actions taken by anti-hunting groups lately is the petition, filed by Big Wildlife and NoBearHuntNV, to grant black bears in Nevada federal protection under the Endangered Species Act.   


POLL SHOWS 39% SEE 'PRO-GUN' AS POSITIVE POLITICAL LABEL:  Results from a just-released Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey show that, 39 percent of "Likely U.S. Voters" consider it a positive when a political candidate is described as being "pro-gun."  Only 27 percent see the pro-gun label as a negative description, while 30 percent say it lies somewhere in between.

According to the Rasmussen poll, most Republicans (62 percent) and a plurality of voters not affiliated with either party (42 percent) see being labeled "pro-gun" as positive, while 49 percent of Democrats see the label as negative.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on September 18-19, 2011.


2011 FIREARMS LAW & THE SECOND AMENDMENT SYMPOSIUM:  The 2011 "Firearms Law & the Second Amendment Symposium," sponsored by The NRA Foundation, will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2011, at the University of San Diego Law School. 


ANOTHER WAY TO GET INVOLVED--JOIN NRA'S FACEBOOK AND TWITTER GROUPS:  Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users.  This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text). 

NRA has been a part of this social technology for some time now, with a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites.  By actively participating in these new media, we are able to reach out to more potential members and supporters than ever before. 

The current king of on-line social networking is Facebook.  NRA's Facebook page continues to be extremely popular.  In fact, thanks to you, our page has grown from about 300,000 fans on July 28, 2010 to over 1,198,000 fans as of this week! 


GRASSROOTS NEWS MINUTE VIDEO:  To view this week's "Grassroots News Minute" video, please click here: 


STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week's issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

For additional information, please click on the links provided.

ARIZONA:  BLM Proposes Closing One-Half Million Acres of Public Land to Target Shooting
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has released a plan for the future management of nearly 1.4 million acres located southwest of Phoenix in parts of Maricopa, Pinal, Pima, Gila and Yuma counties.  Of that total, over 486,000 acres are within the Sonoran Desert National Monument (SDNM) which the BLM proposes to close to target shooters.  The public comment period for this plan is open through November 25.  Please attend one of the scheduled meetings to show support for keeping public lands open for all of the public, including target shooters, and to learn more about how this plan will affect your future enjoyment of these lands

CALIFORNIA:  Four Anti-Gun Bills Awaiting Consideration by the Governor
Governor Jerry Brown (D) has just over a week to decide whether to sign or veto four anti-gun bills.  Assembly Bill 144 would ban open carry, Assembly Bill 809 would require state registration of newly-purchased long guns, Senate Bill 427 would allow law enforcement to collect sales records from ammunition retailers among other things, and Senate Bill 819 would allow the DOJ to use the Dealer Record of Sales funds.  Please contact Governor Brown today and urge him to veto AB 114, AB 809, SB 427 and SB 819. 

COLORADO:  Management Plan for Public Lands Will Affect Target Shooting
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has released a resource management plan (RMP) for 500,000 acres managed by the agency's Colorado River Valley Field Office located in Silt and within the counties of Eagle, Garfield, Pitkin, Roult, Mesa, and Rio Blanco.  The comment period is open until December 16 and BLM will announce in advance public meetings regarding the RMP.  If you enjoy target shooting on these lands, it is extremely important that you review the plan to determine how it will affect your future access for target shooting.  Please attend at least one of the public meetings and take the time to e-mail comments to the BLM.

KENTUCKY:  Sandhill Crane Hunting Season Approved by Feds
With approval by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, plans for Kentucky's new sandhill crane hunting season now move toward the final hurdle, the General Assembly review process.  A subcommittee of eight members will meet on October 11 to discuss the proposed plans for this hunting season.  Please contact members of the Administrative Regulations Review Subcommittee and urge them to support the proposed plan for the sandhill crane hunting season. 

MONTANA:  Three Pro-Gun Bills to Take Effect on October 1
During the 2011 legislative session, three pro-gun bills were signed into law and will go into effect on October 1.  House Bill 159 will restrict the authority of the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks and the Fish, Wildlife and Parks Commission to regulate firearms and ammunition.  Senate Bill 124 includes a clarification of the suppressor statute that now legalizes the use of suppressors in the field except for huntingSenate Bill 279 will allow Capitol Security to carry concealed weapons in the state Capitol. 

NEVADA:  Public Meeting to be Held Regarding Guns in State Parks
The Nevada Division of State Parks will hold a public hearing on the Nevada Administrative Code change of regulation to allow for the carrying of firearms in state parks, due to the 2011 statutory changes mandated in Assembly Bill 282.  This public hearing will be held on October 12 in Carson City.  If you cannot attend the hearing, please submit written comments to the Nevada State Parks Division by October 12. 

NEW JERSEY:  New Jersey State Association Banquet
Gun rights attorney and author Evan Nappen will be the keynote speaker at the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC) combined Annual Meeting Banquet and Friends of NRA Dinner & Auction on October 15.  The event will be held at the Gran Centurions in Clark.  ANJRPC is the official NRA State Affiliate in New Jersey.

NEW MEXICO:  Ruidoso Preemption Violation Update
This week, the Ruidoso Village Council voted to rescind Mayor Ray Alborn's executive order banning firearms from the village hall and other municipal buildings.  The order clearly violated the firearms preemption clause in Article II, Section 6 of the New Mexico Constitution, which reads: "No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms." Thanks to all local NRA members who contacted their village councilors and urged them to take action against the mayor's unconstitutional order!

OHIO:  Concealed Carry Reform Bill in Effect
On September 30, Senate Bill 17, important concealed carry reform legislation, took effect.  SB 17 eliminates the current confusing standards of carrying a firearm in a motor vehicle.  In addition, this bill also allows permit holders to carry a firearm for self-defense in a restaurant that serves alcohol, provided the individual is not consuming alcohol, thus eliminating another "victim zone" in Ohio.

WEST VIRGINIA:  The Gubernatorial Special Election is on Tuesday, October 4.  Please be sure to go to the polls and "Vote Freedom First."  For candidate ratings and endorsements, please visit www.NRAPVF.org. 


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.