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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 18, No. 0 3/11/2011

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox
Calls for Expedited Hearings into BATFE Investigative Tactics


On March 9, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox sent letters to key leaders in Congress calling for hearings to examine the firearms trafficking investigations tactics employed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Those tactics have allegedly allowed firearms to fall into the hands of Mexican criminal organizations, with the knowledge of the BATFE.

In the letters sent to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) and Ranking Member John Conyers (D-Mich.) and their counterparts in the U.S. Senate, Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Cox wrote that the BATFE project “reportedly allowed over 2,000 firearms to be sold to individuals already linked to Mexican drug cartels.  Many of those transactions were reported as suspicious by the licensed firearms dealers themselves, but BATFE reportedly encouraged them to proceed with these sales, which the dealers would otherwise have turned down.”

What a Surprise!! Natural Rights Critic Opposes Campus Carry:  Sociologist and professor of international relations at Amitai Etzioni says in an opinion piece published by CNN that state legislation proposing to allow carry permit holders to carry concealed firearms on campus should be rejected, and that laws should “make guns less accessible, not more.” He adds, “The drafters of these [campus carry] bills seem to have an image of peaceful students, bent over their books, suddenly attacked by gunslingers who materialize from nowhere.”  Of course, that is precisely what has happened in all of the fortunately small number of mass shootings at schools over the last few decades, leading to growing support for the right of the law-abiding to carry firearms on campus. 

NPR President and VP “Resign” After VP Calls Gun Owners “Seriously Racist”:  Speaking of people who believe they are smarter than the masses, Fox News reports that National Public Radio president Vivian Schiller, already in trouble for other matters relating to political bias within the media organization, was forced to resign this week.  Her resignation came after NPR Senior Vice-President Ron Schiller (no relation) was caught on videotape telling people posing as prospective NPR donors that the Tea Party movement is made up of “weird, evangelical . . . . white, middle-America, gun toting” people who are “seriously racist.”  Ron Schiller added that the thing that he is “most disturbed and disappointed by in this country” is that “the educated, so-called elite in this country is too small a percentage of the population.” 

Plan To Attend Free Grassroots Workshop At NRA’s Upcoming Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh, PA!  In anticipation of a hectic legislative session at both the federal and state levels, and in order to lay the foundation for a successful campaign season in 2012, NRA-ILA will be hosting a FREE Grassroots Workshop on Friday, April 29, in conjunction with NRA’s Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh. 

Special NRA-ILA Seminar Planned For Pittsburgh!  In addition to the FREE Grassroots Workshop being held in conjunction with this year’s Annual Meetings in Pittsburgh, the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division will be holding a Special Seminar. 

Volunteers Needed For 2011 NRA Annual Meetings In Pittsburgh:  The 2011 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together April 27--May 1, 2011, in Pittsburgh, PA.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meetings Volunteer.

Another Way To Get Involved--Join NRA’s Facebook And Twitter Groups:  Internet social networking has exploded in recent years, and websites such as Facebook and Twitter attract millions of users.  This on-line community fosters a connection between its users, and allows distribution of user-generated content (like pictures, profiles, music, video, and text). 

Grassroots News Minute Video:  To view this week’s “Grassroots News Minute” video, please click here: 

STATE ROUNDUP  (Please note the only items listed below are those that have had recent action.  For other updates on state legislation, please go to the state legislation section at www.NRAILA.org, and check each week’s issue of the Grassroots Alert.)

ARIZONA:Senate Passes Three NRA-Backed Bills!
Recently, the state Senate took action on a number of pro-gun bills, including passing two important self-defense reform bills, one to strengthen the current “Castle Doctrine” law and a comprehensive right-to-carry reform which among other things would help put an end to the “gun free zone” signs in most currently prohibited places and unsecured buildings. An NRA-supported measure that would make the Colt Single Action Army (Colt SAA) revolver become the state’s official firearm also passed in the Senate.  Also, in an effort to improve the language, the Senate delayed consideration on a third self-defense reform that would prevent concealed carry prohibitions on college and university campuses. Please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee listed here today and respectfully urge them to vote in favor of SB 1469.  Also, please contact the members of the House MA&PS Committee located here today and respectfully urge them to support SB 1201.

CALIFORNIA: Video Released About Law Banning Certain Modern Rifles
Matt Corwin is a former military police officer who was attending Los Angeles City College while on injured reserve leave from the Army before being reactivated.  He was active in conservative politics on campus.  On April 23, 2007, someone from his school called the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department and told Detectives about Matt’s MySpace webpage, which depicted numerous legal firearms, as well as videos of Mr. Corwin shooting at a range.  From there, Matt’s horror story began.  Now, the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) Foundation, in cooperation with NRA News, has released a video documenting Matt’s experience, and the outlandishness of California’s law banning certain semi-automatic firearms.  The compelling video, “A Legacy of Injustice,” is posted at http://www.youtube.com/MichelLawyers. For more information on this story, please click here.

CONNECTICUT:Committee Favorably Reports Four Firearm Bills
At its March 8 meeting, the Connecticut Public Safety & Security Committee issued four favorable reports on legislation of interest to law-abiding gun owners. Two of the bills, H.B. No. 5263 and H.B. No. 6376 were issued Joint Favorable Reports and will be issued a File and sent to the state House floor for debate. Two other bills, S.B. No. 967 and H.B. No. 6416 were also issued Joint Favorable Reports but referred to other committees for further consideration.  For more information on how these bills affect you as a Second Amendment supporter please click here. Please contact your Representative and respectfully urge him or her to support both H.B. No. 5263 and H.B. No. 6376!  Please contact members of the Planning & Development Committee and respectfully urge them to support S.B. 967!  Please contact members of the Judiciary Committee urge them to oppose H.B. No. 6416. Contact information for each committee can be found by clicking here.

FLORIDA:  HELP Restore Rights to Concealed Weapons License Holders in Florida
Senate Bill 234
was heard in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on March 10. A provision to allow concealed weapons license holders to carry on college campuses was stripped out of the bill by committee members.  The bill DID NOT receive a final vote and it will be back before the Senate Criminal Justice Committee this Monday, March 14 at 1:00 p.m.  SB 234would only make two changes to the “Right-to-Carry” law -- also known as the Concealed Weapons Licensing law.   It would also make changes to firearms purchase law to conform to federal law.  Please continue to check your email for updates on the status of SB 234.

NRA/USF Bills for the 2011 Legislative Session
A number of bills supported by both NRA and the Unified Sportsman of Florida have been introduced and are priority this legislative session.  These bills include penalties for localities that violate the current statewide preemption laws, privacy protection for firearms owners and concealed weapons licensing reform.  For more information on these bills, please click here.

IDAHO:Campus Carry Passes Committee, Moves to House Floor
On March 10, the House State Affairs Committee voted 11 to 8 in favor of House Bill 222, despite harsh opposition.  This important self-defense legislation would allow for the lawful carry of a firearm on college and university campuses only by those allowed under state and federal law to carry a firearm for self-defense.  This bill would also grant authority to colleges and universities to restrict firearms in undergraduate housing, yet opposition continues to argue that law-abiding permit holders cannot be trusted to carry a firearm on campus.  Please contact the members of the House State Affairs Committee TODAY and respectfully express your dissatisfaction for their opposition to HB 222, and urge them to support this important legislation on the House floor.  Contact information can be found here.

Proposed Rule to Allow Taking of Wolves in North-Central Idaho
Because wolves are having a devastating impact on elk herds in the Lolo Elk Management Zone, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) has requested permission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to lethally take wolves over a five-year period in order to reduce predation on elk.  Permission is necessary because these wolves are protected by the Endangered Species Act as a “nonessential experimental population.”  When the designation was made, certain actions were allowed including lethal take by livestock producers to remove problem wolves.  It was not contemplated at the time that there would be a need to remove wolves to protect wild game species.  Therefore the IDFG needs special approval from the FWS to also deal with problem wolves.

The FWS has released an environmental assessment that solicits public comment on two opposing actions:  1) No Action or 2) Approve Requested Authorization.  The rule can be found at www.fws.gov/idaho/ .  Comments can be submitted online at www.regulations.gov.  In the box that reads “Enter Keyword or ID” enter the number FWS-R1-ES-2011-0009.  Check the box that reads “Open for Comment/Submission” and then click the Search button.  An icon will appear that reads “Submit a Comment.”  Deadline for public comment is MARCH 14.   

Wolf populations have rebounded since the species was listed and given federal protection.  The FWS’s efforts to remove from the Endangered Species list wolf populations that have recovered has been ensnarled in lawsuits brought by radical environmental groups.  In the meantime, wolves are having a huge negative impact on elk populations, and consequently big game hunting.  Please take a few minutes to submit a comment to the FWS in support of the “Approve Requested Authorization.”

ILLINOIS:  “Assault Weapons” Ban up for Third Reading in the House!
Once again, anti-gun legislators in Springfield are threatening law-abiding gun owners across Illinois with an attack on the Second Amendment. House Bill 1294, a ban on so-called “assault weapons,” is currently set for Third Reading in the state House of Representatives and could be taken up at any time. Please contact your state Representative TODAY and urge him or her to stand up for your Second Amendment rights and oppose HB 1294 when it comes up for a vote.  This legislation is a direct attack on law-abiding gun owners and your opposition needs to be heard! To locate your state Representative’s contact information please click here.

A Number of Second Amendment-Related Bills Seeing Action!
As the 2011 legislative session continues in Springfield, a number of firearm-related bills have recently been considered.  Only one pro-gun bill of note though –House Bill 148- has been on the move.  This bill to establish a Right-to-Carry permit system recently passed out of committee and action is expected on the House floor in the near future.  The House has also taken action on five anti-gun bills, including legislation to ban standard size magazines, as well as a bill to ban private firearm transfers.  For more information on all of the bills expected to be considered in the House, please click here.  In the meantime, p
lease be sure to contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 148, and oppose HB 203, HB 1296, and HB 1461.  To locate your state Representative and their contact information, please click here.

KENTUCKY:Legislation to Restore Gun Rights and a Compartment-Carry Bill Awaiting Approval by Governor Beshear
Last week, two pro-gun bills passed unanimously in the Kentucky Senate.  House Bill 308, with an NRA-supported amendment, would provide a pathway to restoring gun rights.  House Bill 313 would allow for concealed carry in a vehicle’s installed compartment.  Both bills are now awaiting approval by Governor Steve Beshear (D). Governor Beshear has until this Wednesday, March 16 to sign HB 308 and HB 313.  Please contact Governor Beshear and respectfully urge him to sign both bills into law.  He can be reached by calling (502) 564-2611 or sending him an e-mail message here.

MONTANA:Senate Judiciary Committee will Take Public Testimony on March 16
The Senate Judiciary Committee will be taking public testimony on three pro-gun bills and one anti-gun bill this Wednesday, March 16.  The Senate Judiciary Committee will be meeting from 8 a.m. to noon in Room 303 of the State Capitol.  Bills supported by NRA include House Bill 174, which would legalize the possession and use of suppressors by a person in the field or forest; House Bill 271, which would allow persons who are eligible to obtain a Concealed Weapon Permit (CWP) to carry concealed without a permit within city limits; House Bill 384, which would exempt peace officers and CWP holders from the existing prohibition on concealed carry in banks, government buildings and bars and restaurants that serve alcohol.  The committee will also consider anti-gun House Bill 496, which would allow the destruction of firearms that were used to commit a violent crime. If you are unable to attend the hearing, please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to SUPPORT HB 174, HB 271 and HB 384, and OPPOSE HB 496.  Committee contact information can be found here.

NEVADA:Campus Protection Act Introduced in the Nevada Senate
Senate Bill 231 has recently been assigned to the Senate Government Affairs Committee and needs your support.  SB 231 would allow individuals who hold a Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW) permit to carry their firearms on the property of the Nevada System of Higher Education without first gaining permission from the university president, which is currently mandated by statute. This bill is expected to be heard in the Senate Government Affairs Committee on Friday, March 18 at 8:00 a.m. in Room 2135 of the Legislative Building in Carson City, with a teleconference link to the Grant Sawyer Government Building in Las Vegas (details will follow).  In-person participation is very important, as are e-mails and phone calls to members of this committee, so please take the time to contact committee members

NORTH DAKOTA:Worker Protection Bill Passes Major Hurdle 
House Bill 1438 passed in the North Dakota House of Representatives by a resounding 82 to 12 margin on February 21. This legislation has been sent to the state Senate and assigned to the Industry, Business, and Labor Committee for consideration. HB 1438 would allow North Dakota employees to store their firearms in locked personal vehicles on publicly accessible parking lots without fear of being fired.  Businesses have no legitimate interest in micromanaging the lawful contents of one’s private vehicle.  Please contact members of the Senate Industry, Business, and Labor Committee today and urge them to support HB 1438.  Contact information can be found by clicking here

OKLAHOMA:Important “Parking Lot” Bill Ready for House Floor Vote!
Last week, House Bill 1652 passed in the House Public Safety Committee and could soon be considered on the House floor. House Bill 1652, would protect lawful concealed carry permit holders by expanding “parking lot” protections for firearms legally stored and locked in vehicles to parking lots on technology center campuses, on property set aside for use by a governmental entity or for professional sporting events.  Please contact your state Representative and let him or her know you support NRA-backed HB 1652 and would like to see it pass in the Oklahoma House. To locate your state Representative and their contact information please click here.

OREGON:Two Pro-Gun Bills Pass Committee
Two key NRA-backed measures have passed in the House Judiciary Committee and are now headed to the floor of the Oregon House of Representatives. House Bill 2787 would prohibit a public body from releasing information that identifies the holder of or applicant for a concealed handgun license. House Bill 2792 would provide non-residents who are authorized to carry concealed a handgun in another state with the same protections provided to persons with an Oregon Concealed Handgun License. Both bills could be voted on in the state House as early as next week, so it is vital that you contact your state Representative TODAY and ask him or her to support HB 2787 and HB 2792.  Contact information can be found here.

PENNSYLVANIA: Anti-Gun Amendments Defeated Again in the Keystone State!
On March 9, attempts to attach anti-gun amendments to House Bill 40 were defeated.  HB 40, NRA-backed Castle Doctrine legislation, would permit law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their home and any place outside of their home where they have a legal right to be.  If enacted into law, it would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used. The state House will be returning in April to give final consideration to HB 40.  In the meantime, please contact your state Representative and urge him or her to support HB 40 with NO amendments.  For contact information or help identifying your state Representative, click here

Senate Passes Castle Doctrine Legislation
On March 8, the Pennsylvania Senate voted 43 to 4 to pass important self-defense reform legislation.  Senate Bill 273, like the house version of Castle Doctrine legislation, would allow law-abiding citizens to use force, including deadly force, against an attacker in their home and any place outside of their home where they have a legal right to be.  If enacted, this law would also protect individuals from civil lawsuits by the attacker or the attacker’s family when force is used. Please send an e-mail to thank your state Senator for supporting SB 273.  For contact information or help identifying your state Senator, please click here.

SOUTH DAKOTA: Commission Set to Vote in April on Proposed Lead Shot Ban
A private landowner filed a petition with the Game, Fish and Parks Commission to ban lead shot for hunting on public roads and rights-of-ways.  The Commission recently announced that it will vote on the proposal at its meeting April 7-8 in Brandon.  Most affected by such a ban will be upland bird hunters.

Commission Chairman Jeff Olson said that the main reason for the Commission accepting the petition is to see what the public thinks.  It is critical for Chairman Olson and the other commissioners to hear from hunters in opposition to the proposed ban.

No evidence has been submitted showing that road hunting for pheasants or other upland game is causing risks to the health of wildlife populations who feed alongside public roads or rights-of-way.  If this ban is adopted, it won’t be long before a statewide ban on the use of lead ammunition is imposed.  The landowner-petitioner has stated that he wants to see lead ammunition banned for all hunting in the state.   

Contact information for the Game, Fish and Parks Commission can be found here.

TENNESSEE:Second Amendment Legislation is on the Move in Tennessee
As previously mentioned, there are a number of bills in Nashville that are currently receiving attention and need your support. Issues currently being considered in the capitol range from parking lot legislation, which would allow an employee to store a firearm in their locked personal vehicle at their place of business or ones they frequent to legislation which would enable judges to carry a concealed firearm in courthouses while acting in their duties as a judge.  There are also a number of bills which pertain to the sale of confiscated firearms seized in a crime.  For more information on these bills please click here. As session progresses, the NRA will continue to keep you posted about these and other Second Amendment measures.  Please begin to respectfully contact your legislators in support of the aforementioned bills.  Contact information for your state legislators can be found by clicking here.

TEXAS:Workplace Protection Legislation Needs Your Support!
It is expected that the Texas Senate will vote next week on SB 321, introduced by state Senator Glenn Hegar (R-Katy).  This NRA-backed legislation would prevent employers from enforcing policies against law-abiding employees who store firearms in their locked, private motor vehicles while parked at work.  Please contact your state Senator TODAY and urge him or her to support SB 321.  Click here to locate your state Senator and find their contact information.    Also, House Bill 681, the House companion bill to SB 321 sponsored by state Representative Tim Kleinschmidt (R-Lexington), has been delayed until next Monday, March 14 by the House Business & Industry Committee.  Please continue calling and e-mailing committee members in support of HB 681 - their contact information can be found by clicking here.

WASHINGTON:  Senate Committee Passes Legislation to Legalize the Use of Firearm Suppressors
On March 10, House Bill 1016 passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee by a unanimous 7 to 0 vote.  This bill is now expected to be heard on the Senate floor. Washington law does not regulate the possession of firearm suppressors.  However, it is currently a gross misdemeanor crime for any person to use a suppressor.  HB 1016, sponsored by state Representative Brian Blake (D-19), would legalize the use of suppressors, as long as the suppressor is legally registered and possessed in accordance with federal law.  Your NRA will continue to update you as HB 1016 moves forward.

WYOMING:“Permitless Carry” and “Castle Doctrine” Signed into Law!
Governor Matt Mead (R) recently signed into law two important self-defense reform bills. On March 3, Governor Matt Mead signed Senate File 47, often referred to as “Permitless Carry” legislation. SF 47 was passed by an overwhelming majority in the state Senate and the House.  Then on March 4, the Governor signed House Bill 167, “Castle Doctrine” legislation which will strengthen your right to self-defense in your home.  Both bills will go into effect on July 1, 2011.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.