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Grassroots Alert: Vol. 16, No. 11 3/20/2009

Concealed Carry in National Parks Suspended—

NRA Files Motion To Appeal


scales of justiceOn Thursday, March 19, a federal district court in Washington, D.C. granted anti-gun plaintiffs a preliminary injunction against implementation of the new rule allowing law-abiding citizens to defend themselves by carrying a concealed firearm in national parks and wildlife refuges. 

In Thursday’s ruling, Federal District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly issued the preliminary injunction against the Department of the Interior rule that took effect on January 9, 2009.  The revised rule allowed individuals to carry concealed firearms for self-defense in national parks and national wildlife refuges located in states that allow the carrying of concealed firearms.  

Today, NRA filed a notice of appeal in Federal District Court to oppose the preliminary injunction.


Mike RossCongressmen Send Attorney General Letter Opposing Reinstatement Of Failed 1994 Gun and Magazine Ban:  On Wednesday, in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, 65 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Mike Ross (D-Ark.), expressed their opposition to the reinstatement of the failed 1994 ban on semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines.  These congressmen cited numerous studies that proved the 1994 ban was ineffective, and they strongly urged Attorney General Holder to stop his effort and instead focus on the enforcement of existing gun laws.


Durbin, HearingsThe Ongoing Mexico Crisis -- Blaming American Gun Owners:  Congress has jumped in with both feet when it comes to the crisis of violence in Mexico, and the usual suspects are once again blaming American gun owners and American gun laws.  This week there were two more hearings, one in the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Drugs and Crime, and the other in the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on Western Hemisphere.  In both cases, anti-gun politicians such as Senators Dick Durbin and Dianne Feinstein, and Congressman Eliot Engel, blamed American gun laws for the crisis.  Fortunately, in both hearings, gun rights supporters in Congress stood up for American gun owners.


Wayne LaPierre on Fox News with Glenn Beck:  NRA executive vice president Wayne LaPierre was a guest on the Glenn Beck program on Fox News, Wednesday, March 18, 2009.  Wayne and Glenn discussed Attorney General Holder’s recent announcement that he wants to resurrect the failed semi-automatic firearm and magazine bans. They also talked about the preposterous claim being made by gun control congressmen and senators that our Second Amendment, and not the corruption within the Mexican government, is the cause for the violent crime caused by Mexican drug lords.

Click here to view Wayne LaPierre’s speech on the Glenn Beck Program.



Wesley Clark Blames American Gun owners for Crisis in Mexico:  Joining in the chorus of other anti-gun politicians blaming gun owners for Mexican violence, former Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark said, “The real problem here, and the Mexican government, the people I’ve talked to in the Mexican government, recently say the problem Mexico has is we’re sending weapons into Mexico . . .”





Surplus ammoMilitary Surplus Cartridge Case Issue Resolved:  This week, the Department of Defense (DoD) informed NRA-ILA that fired military small arms cartridge cases are once again eligible for sale, following a temporary suspension in such sales instituted last week.  NRA-ILA began discussions with DoD shortly after the suspension took effect, and we were assured from the beginning that efforts were underway to resolve the issue favorably.


Illinois Supreme Court Dismisses Lawsuit: This week, the Illinois Supreme Court dismissed yet another reckless lawsuit aimed at putting firearms manufacturers out of business.  Adames v. Beretta was dismissed under the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005 (PLCAA).  The court’s order affirmed the original trial court judgment in the case.

This is the second judicial decision in 2009 upholding a dismissal under the PLCAA.  Ten days ago, the U.S. Supreme Court denied appeals in the cases of New York v. Beretta and District of Columbia v. Beretta.


HSUS Tries To Slip One Past Country Fans:  The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the most radical animal “rights” and anti-hunting organization in the country, has been quietly trying to get Carrie Underwood voted Entertainer of the Year via the Academy of Country Music.  The problem is, a large percentage of country music fans are also gun owners and hunters who do not like Carrie Underwood’s active support for HSUS. And HSUS knows it.


phoenix ann meetVolunteers Needed In Phoenix For 2009 NRA Annual Meetings:  The 2009 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend, as thousands of NRA members will come together May 15-17, 2009, in Phoenix, AZ.  You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer.


Insurance Mandates for Gun Owners Are Against Second Amendment -- Update on the Second Amendment Book Bomb:  With the Obama White House and others pushing for new forms of gun controls, Independent Institute Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook was recently interviewed by Glenn Beck on Fox News Channel on the new efforts to force gun owners to purchase a $1 million insurance policy in order “to qualify” for their Second Amendment rights.


Grassroots Minute Video:


STATE ROUNDUP (Please click to see any updates on states not listed below.)

ALABAMA:  Alabama Worker Protection Bill to be Heard on Wednesday, March 25!  House Bill 362 is expected to be heard on Wednesday, March 25 in the House Commerce Committee.  HB 362 would protect your right to lawfully transport and store firearms in a privately-owned and locked motor vehicle while parked in publicly accessible parking lots controlled by your employer or a business you frequent.  Please contact the members of the House Commerce Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to vote in favor of HB 362 without any further exemption amendments.  Contact information can be found by clicking here

ARKANSAS:   Numerous Pro-Gun Bills Need Your Help Today!  Time is quickly running out on the legislative session in Arkansas, and several bills still need your help.  Wednesday, April 1, is the adjournment date for the General Assembly (we mistakenly reported it was Friday, March 20), so there will soon be no time left for action on all of the NRA-supported measures below.  Your efforts to pass these bills is critical at this time. For more information about these bills and how to take action on their behalf, please click here.

Your Help is Needed Today to Protect Arkansas’ Hunting Heritage! The Arkansas General Assembly is wrapping up this year’s legislative session, and one of NRA’s top priorities, Senate Joint Resolution 3, needs your support!  SJR 3 seeks to amend the Constitution of the State of Arkansas to recognize that citizens of the state have a right to hunt and fish.  Passage of SJR 3 would allow the citizens of Arkansas to vote on this amendment, which would ensure that the right to hunt and fish would be protected for future generations.  SJR 3 is the culmination of years of hard work by Senator Faris and NRA, and we are committed to passing this amendment this year.  While the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission has opposed similar proposals in the past, this year, after careful negotiations, the Commission has removed its objections.  The House State Agencies & Governmental Affairs Committee will soon consider SJR 3.  It is critical that NRA members and fellow sportsmen contact the Committee TODAY and respectfully urge them to support SJR 3.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.

COLORADO:    Important Pro-Gun Bill Heading to Senate Floor in Colorado! On March 17, House Bill 1180 was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The bill now heads to the Senate floor where it could be considered any day.  HB1180 would exempt Colorado concealed handgun permit holders from the background check requirement for the transfer of a firearm.  Please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to support HB1180, without any amendments, when it comes before them for a vote.  Contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here.

CONNECTICUT:  “Micro-Stamping” Bill Heard in Hartford  Gun owners spoke loudly on March 16 in Hartford at the hearing on Senate Bill 353, a bill which would ban the sale of all ammosemi-automatic handguns not equipped with so-called “micro-stamping” technology.  Thank you to the hundreds gun owners who took time from work and their busy lives to stand up and say "NO" to yet another misguided anti-gun bill.  Members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary must vote on SB353 by Friday, April 3 in order for the bill to advance.  Thank you again to all who have made their voices heard.  If you haven't yet done so, please be sure to contact the members of the Joint Committee on Judiciary, as well as your State Legislators, and urge them to oppose SB353!  Contact information for the members of the committee can be found here.  Contact information for your State Representative can be found by clicking here Please click here to find contact information for your State Senator.

No-Net-Loss Passes Environment Committee  On Wednesday, March 18, House Bill 5209 passed out of the Environment Committee.  Thank you for contacting members of the Environment Committee in support of HB5209.   This critical pro-hunting bill would ensure hunters in Connecticut that their public hunting acreage will never decrease.  Simply stated, if enacted, additional lands would have to be opened to hunting when land currently open to hunting is closed.  We encourage you to once again contact members of the Environment Committee and thank them for preserving our hunting rights by voting yes on HB5209.  To find contact information for the members of the Environment Committee, please click here.

ILLINOIS:   Banning Guns By Zip Code   A new piece of anti-gun legislation needs to be noted.  Whether a sign of desperation, or an indication of how ridiculous the anti-gun movement has become, House Bill 1966 was amended this week to become a ban on countless semi-automatic pistols, rifles, shotguns, and .50 caliber rifles.  While not a new concept among the gun-ban crowd, the scope of this proposed ban would be unique, to say the least.  Rather than ban these firearms statewide, or even within a specific municipality, this bill would ban firearms based on zip codes!  Six zip codes, in fact, all within the City of Chicago, would be singled out for this ban.  Needless to say, NRA opposes this measure, but we can’t help but wonder if the next attempt at passing a gun ban in Illinois will target specific blocks, or maybe even addresses.  This only goes to show that those who oppose our Right to Keep and Bear Arms will never stop trying to come up with new, and quite often ridiculous, ideas for promoting their anti-freedom agenda.  Please contact your State Representative and urge him or her to oppose HB 1966.  Contact information can be found by clicking here.


Update on Anti-Gun Bill HB48   House Bill 48, a bill that would eliminate most private transfers of handguns, was not brought up for a vote this week.  This legislation would require virtually all private handgun transfers to be processed through a licensed firearm dealer, even those occurring between persons with state-issued Firearms Owner’s Identification (FOID) Cards.  The law already requires all private transfers to be carefully recorded—with information such as the date of transfer and serial number of the handgun to be maintained for 10 years.  HB 48 would require the additional step of processing almost all private transfers through a federally licensed dealer.  Even if you plan on selling a handgun to a neighbor you’ve known for 20 years, or to a cousin you’ve known your whole life, under HB 48, you and the purchaser would be required to go to a federally licensed firearm dealer to complete the transfer.  The House could take up this bill any day.  Please continue to contact your State Representative TODAY and urge him or her to OPPOSE HB 48. Contact information can be found by clicking here.


News Report for 2009 Legislative Session  Several bills of importance to Illinois’ gun owners are currently making their way through the General Assembly.  For more information, please click here.


KANSAS:  HCR 5017, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Constitutional Amendment up in Kansas Legislature  On March 18,  the Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee passed out House Concurrent Resolution 5017.  This resolution is a constitutional amendment to guarantee an individual right to keep and bear arms.  This House resolution is the companion bill to the Senate Concurrent Resolution 1611, sponsored by State Senator Mike Petersen (R-28).  These identical bills are crucial in the quest to protect Kansans’ individual right to keep and bear arms as an individual right.  Please contact your State Representative and State Senator and encourage them to support these critical constitutional amendments.  Contact information for your State Legislators can be found here.

Kansas Senate Committee Passes SCR 1611, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment

On March 20,the Kansas Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 1611.  This bill, sponsored by State Senator Mike Petersen (R-28), is a constitutional amendment to guarantee an individual right to keep and bear arms.  The House version of this bill, House Concurrent Resolution 5017, is the companion bill to SCR 1611.  These identical bills are crucial in the quest to solidify Kansans’ right to keep and bear arms as an individual right.  Please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates.

KENTUCKY:  The Fate of Two Pro-Gun Bills Rest in the Hands of the Kentucky State Senate Leadership! Unfortunately, the Kentucky legislature played party politics in Frankfort the last two days of the working session and two pro-gun bills may have failed as a result. Thursday, March 26 and Friday, March 27 are the only two legislative days left after the veto session to consider these pro-gun bills, so it is critical that Senate Leadership hear from you today.  Please contact Senate Leadership and respectfully urge them to take up House Bill 419 on Thursday, March 26.  Ask them to attach the NRA-backed amendment and send it to the full Senate for consideration.  The NRA-backed amendment would strip HB 419 of its original language and would require universities to comply with current Kentucky Code allowing gun owners to keep their firearms in a locked vehicle on public and private property.  Also, please respectfully urge Senate Leadership to bring HB 358 with no additional amendments to the floor for consideration by the full Senate.  HB358 has been amended to contain the original language from HB 419.  This bill would now permit citizens to carry firearms for self-defense while engaged in hunting, fishing, trapping, and other activities, and would clarify that citizens may do what is necessary for self-defense in the case of a wild animal attack, without fear of unjustified prosecution.  At this time all legislators are back and forth between the capitol and their districts, so please take the time to use all the contact information.  For contact information, please click here.

md flagMARYLAND:  Ammunition Registration Bill Pulled from Consideration in Maryland!   On March 17, the Maryland State Police issued a request to the House Judiciary Committee to pull House Bill 1446 from consideration.  This bill would have required that any person engaged in the business of selling ammunition maintain extensive records on all sales, including the date of sale, purchaser’s full name, address, date of birth, and form of ID used, as well as the type and quantity of ammunition purchased. The bill would have also forced a business that sells ammunition to allow the inspection of the sales record by a law enforcement officer upon request.  HB 1446 was tantamount to firearm registration, would have done nothing to stop crime, and would have only increased the size and bureaucratic scope of the Maryland State Police.  Thank you to all of the NRA members who voiced their opposition to HB1446.  Without you, this victory would not have been possible.

Update on Pro- and Anti-Gun Legislation  House Bill 296 and House Bill 302, both high priority matters for Governor Martin O’Malley (D) and Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown (D), have passed the House and are pending in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee.  These bills require the subject of a final or temporary protective order to surrender his or her firearms to law enforcement until the order expires. Unlike federal law, which allows a person to find other places to dispose of his or her firearms while an order is in effect, these bills would require law enforcement to seize someone’s firearms, even if the subject of the order had no opportunity to participate in the hearing.  Domestic abuse is tragic and deplorable, but these bills deny due process to those who have not been convicted of a crime. Under this legislation, a victim of false allegations who had no opportunity to contest those charges in court cannot defend himself at home or simply possess his own guns for any other lawful purpose. Simply put, HB296 and HB302 trample upon Marylanders’ due process rights.  An NRA-backed bill, House Bill 359, failed to make it past a full house vote.  HB359 would allow an eligible citizen who has had a temporary or final protective order issued on their behalf to be issued a concealed handgun permit by the Secretary of State Police.  This would have ensured that law-abiding Marylanders facing a serious threat of abuse could exercise their Right-to-Carry for self-defense.  We thank our members for voicing their support for HB 359.  Please contact your State Senator and express your concern regarding HB 296 and HB 302.  Contact information can be found by clickinghere.

Proposed Bill Attacks Hunting in Maryland!  On March 18, the Maryland House Environmental Matters Committee held a hearing on House Bill 1309, and will vote on the bill in the near future.  HB 1309 would arbitrarily expand the hunting “safety zone” from 150 yards to 300 yards from any occupied building. HB 1309 is sponsored by Delegate Barbara Frush (D-21) and Delegate James Hubbard (D-23A), two anti-hunting legislators whose goal is to end all hunting in Maryland.  We must make our voices heard if we are going to defeat this anti-hunting measure and protect the future of hunting in Maryland.  Please contact your Delegate Immediately and respectfully urge them to oppose HB 1309.  Contact information can be found below.


Animal “Rights” Extremists Seeking to Abolish Trapping in Maryland As we have reported, animal “rights” extremists like the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) are trying to ban regulated trapping in Maryland. House Bill 831 would effectively prohibit recreational trapping in Montgomery County and also limit the authority of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to manage wildlife in that county.  HB831 was heard on March 20 by House Environmental Matters Committee.  This is not merely a county bill, as it has been introduced into the Maryland General Assembly and was be heard by the House Environmental Matters Committee.  If passed, it will not only affect Montgomery County, but will establish a statewide precedent that takes trapping out of the hands of DNR, trappers and landowners. If this precedent is established, it will become much easier to expand these prohibitions even statewide.  HB 831 would prohibit the use of live hold, foot trap and body-gripping traps by anyone in Montgomery County except an authorized agent of the DNR. This will prevent state wildlife officials, trappers and private landowners from using the most effective and humane trapping tools currently available to manage furbearers. This will influence the DNR’s ability to manage wildlife and nuisance wildlife complaints and also place an unrealistic financial burden on state government and private landowners. Landowners would no longer be allowed to use these tools to trap nuisance animals on their property; they would be forced to hire agents of DNR to handle their problems.  A ban on trapping will also negatively affect game populations, as predator populations will not be effectively managed. Since HB831 was only heard it is vital that you contact the members of the House Environmental Matters Committee TODAY and respectfully ask them to oppose HB 831. Contact information can be found below.  The future of scientific wildlife management in Maryland may depend on it.  This is one step toward allowing emotion, not science, to dictate wildlife management practices. Maryland's sportsmen must fight to ensure this precedent is not set.

Castle Doctrine Self-Defense Bill Still Pending in Maryland Legislature  Please contact the members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee TODAY and respectfully encourage them to bring SB 420 up for a vote.   On March 4, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee held a hearing on the Senate version, Senate Bill 420, but no vote was taken.  Please contact the members of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee TODAY and respectfully encourage them to bring SB 420 up for a vote.  Contact information can be found here.

MINNESOTA:  Another Gun Registration Bill Introduced  On Thursday March 5, State Senator Yvonne Prettner Solon (DFL-7) introduced Senate File 1165, in yet another attempt to end private firearm transfers in Minnesota.   SF 1165 is the companion bill to House File 953, previously introduced by State Representative Michael Paymar (DFL-64B).  SF 1165, like HF 953, was designed to not only regulate the sale of firearms at gun shows, but to regulate the sale of firearms between all law-abiding persons, across Minnesota.  SF 1165 only affects law-abiding gun owners, and will in no way keep guns out of the hands of criminals.  Also contained in SF 1165, is a de facto registration system created by requiring the records of all transfers to be maintained by the state, which would be made available to all authorities, including for use in “civil” cases.  SF 1165 would also remove the permit holder exemption from a background check and even increase the waiting period from five to seven days.  SF 1165 is a direct attack on Minnesotans’ Second Amendment rights and needs to be stopped!  Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to oppose this divisive bill. Their contact information can be found here.

Pro-Hunting Reform Advancing in Legislature  Senate File 1225 is scheduled to be heard by the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee on Monday, March 23.  SF hunting1225, introduced by State Senators Satveer Chaudhary (DFL-50), Tom Saxhaug (DFL-3), and Gen Olson (R-33), would allow hunters to have uncased and unloaded long guns or a bow with an unnocked arrow in a motor vehicle.  Under current Minnesota law, a hunter leaving his or her deer stand cannot legally accept a ride in a motor vehicle, no matter what the circumstances may be, without his or her gun or bow in a case.   Please contact the members of the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee and voice your support for SF 1225.  Contact information can be found here.


MONTANA:  Self Defense Reform Bill Awaits Action by the Senate Judiciary Committee! House Bill 228, the NRA-backed self-defense bill, is waiting executive action by Senate Judiciary Committee.  It is crucial that NRA members and pro-gun activists continue to call the Senate Judiciary Committee and their State Senators and urge them to support HB 228!  House Bill 228, sponsored by State Representative Krayton Kerns (R-58), is a broad piece of legislation that provides a number of specific protections for law-abiding citizens.  The provisions of HB 228, clarify and expand the fundamental right of self-defense and protect law-abiding citizens from undue prosecution should they ever have to exercise the right.  For a section-by-section analysis of HB 228 to help you better understand and communicate with legislators, please visit http://progunleaders.org/Self-defense/.  Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to vote for HB 228.  You may call (406) 444-4800 to leave a message for your Senator and for the Judiciary Committee.  You may also use the “online message form” located here.  When contacting legislators, it is important that you be as respectful and courteous as possible.  If you need help identifying your legislator, please click here.  To view a roster of committee members, please click here

NEVADA:  Self-Defense Bill Still Needs Your Help!  Assemblyman Harry Mortenson (D-42) introduced Assembly Bill 288, the long-anticipated Castle Doctrine self-defense measure. AB 288 has been read for the first time and is currently awaiting a hearing in the Assembly Judiciary Committee.  AB 288 would permit a person who is behaving lawfully to use deadly force in self-defense against someone who is attempting to commit a felony and who is unlawfully, forcefully, and without provocation intruding onto property where the defender has a right to be.  The defender would not have to retreat and would be protected from civil liability.  This critical legislation could be heard at any time between now and April 10.  We are looking for witnesses to attend this hearing from both Carson City and Las Vegas.  If you are interested in helping out, please send us an email at state&[email protected].  Please contact your State Legislator today and urge him or her to support AB 288.  For contact information or help identifying your State Legislator, please click here.  Please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for updates on this important legislation.   

NEW JERSEY:   New Jersey Assembly Passes Two Pro-Hunting Measures!  On Monday, March 16, the New Jersey Assembly passed two pro-hunting bills, which would significantly expand hunting opportunities for sportsmen in the Garden State.  A1669 would authorize bow hunting on Sundays during the respective deer season dates set by the State Fish and Game Code, on State wildlife management areas and private property. Last October, the Senate version (S802) passed the full Senate.  A1669/S802 now head to the desk of Governor Jon Corzine (D) for his consideration.  A595 would reduce the distance from 450 feet to 150 feet of an occupied building for a person possessing a nocked arrow for the purpose of hunting.  A595 now heads to the Senate where it awaits a committee assignment.  It is crucial that New Jersey’s hunters stand-up and make their voices heard!  Please contact Governor Corzine TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign A1669/S802.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (609) 292-6000 or visit www.state.nj.us/governor/about/contact/ to send email.  Also, please contact your State Senator TODAY and respectfully urge them to expand outdoor opportunities and support the true stewards of the land, New Jersey sportsmen, by voting for A595.  Contact information for your State Senator can be found by clicking here


NEW MEXICO:  New Mexico Legislature Wraps Up Saturday, March 21   The Legislature is scheduled to adjourn sine die at noon on Saturday, March 21. Last-minute action is expected on House Bill 105 and Senate Bill 608, NRA-backed restaurant carry legislation sponsored by Representative John Heaton (D) and Senator George Munoz (D).  We will be reporting the final results for these bills over the weekend!  Please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for the final outcome from the New Mexico legislature.


NEW YORK:   Albany County Wants to Register Your Ammunition  Local Law “A”, a proposal that would regulate the purchase of ammunition in Albany County, introduced by Albany County legislators PhillipSteck (D), Douglas Bullock (D) and Wanda Willingham (D) is pending consideration in the Law Committee of the Albany County Legislature. Local Law “A” would require that a valid firearms license be shown when purchasing ammunition.  The law would also mandate that retailers keep a record of ammunition sales, including the type, caliber, and quantity of the ammunition, the make, model and serial number of the firearm it is for, as well as the purchaser’s name and address.  As if that is not enough, Local Law “A” would also create a secondary method of gun registration for both long guns and handguns.  Local Law “A” has been sent to the Law Committee.  Congress has tried ammunition registration in the past, only to discover that it was not only ineffective for law enforcement, but also completely unmanageable due to the sheer volume of transactions.  Ammunition registration creates huge record keeping requirements and provides no useful benefits for law enforcement; which is why it was repealed at the federal level by the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986.  Please contact the members of the Law Committee and the County Legislators TODAY and respectfully voice your opposition to Local Law “A.”  Contact information for the members of the Law Committee can be found by clicking hereCounty Legislators can be reached by phone at (518) 447-7168 or fax (518) 447-5695.  For contact information on all of the members of the Albany County Legislature, please visit: http://www.albanycounty.com/departments/legislature/legislator.asp?id=165

 NORTH CAROLINA:  NRA Working to Introduce “Castle Doctrine” Self-Defense Bills  NC CapitolNRA is still working with State Representative Mark Hilton (R-96) and State Senator Andrew Brock (R-34) to introduce “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bills, which would allow law-abiding citizens to use the force they deem necessary against a violent criminal attacker to protect themselves wherever they have a legal right to be.  The bill would also provides civil immunity for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.  Please contact your State Legislators and respectfully urge them to cosponsor “Castle Doctrine” self-defense legislation when it is introduced and to support passage of this critical reform.  Contact information can be found here.

Update on Two Important Pro-Gun Bills   House Bill 269 and House Bill 270 were scheduled to be heard in the House Judiciary III Committee on Thursday, March 19.   HB 270, introduced by State Representatives Mark Hilton (R-96), Fred Steen (R-76), Justin Burr (R-67), and George Cleveland (R-14), has been deferred to sub-committee for further discussion.  HB 270 would eliminate the prohibition on Right-to-Carry permit holders carrying their lawfully concealed firearms into a restaurant that serves alcohol. NRA testified in support of this measure, and we will work to ensure it is reconsidered by the full committee.  HB 269, introduced by Representatives Mark Hilton (R-96), Justin Burr (R-67), George Cleveland (R-3), and Jim Gulley (R-103), has been held over due to drafting issues.  If enacted, HB 269 is intended to allow those with Right-to-Carry permits to carry their firearms in state parks.  This bill will likely be heard again once the drafting issues are resolved.  Please continue to check your email and www.NRAILA.org for further action and updates on these bills.

NORTH DAKOTA:  North Dakota Park Carry Bill Unanimously Passes Senate! On Tuesday, March 17, the North Dakota Senate unanimously passed House Bill 1389, without any amendments.  HB 1389 will now be considered by Governor John Hoeven (R), whose signature is required for final approval.  HB 1389 would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their firearm in state parks.  Current North Dakota law prohibits permit holders from carrying in state parks.  If signed by the Governor, HB 1389 would correct this problem and enable permit holders to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense in state parks.  Thank you to all those who contacted their State Legislators during this process.


Right-to-Carry Reform Bill Needs Your Help  House Bill 1348, introduced by State Representative Duane DeKrey (R-14), is in the Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee.  HB 1348 originally would have allowed concealed carry permit holders to carry on university campuses in North Dakota, removing such facilities from the prohibited list.  However, the bill was amended significantly in House action.  HB 1348 now addresses a different issue, focusing on a storage problem for students who were forced to check their firearms into security "storage lockers" which have become full.  The bill allows students to store their guns in campus apartments and parking lots.  The legislation does not deal with campus dorms or fraternity/sorority houses.  Even though HB 1348 has been changed, it does effectively address a storage problem that campuses across the state have been dealing with.  Please contact the members of the Senate Government and Veterans Affairs Committee and voice your support for HB 1348.  For contact information, please click here.


SOUTH DAKOTA:  Governor Signs Bill Repealing Waiting Period!  On Friday, March 13, Governor Mike Rounds (R) signed Senate Bill 70, just three days after it was passed in the House of Representative by a vote of 67 to 1.  Sponsored by State Senator Larry Rhoden (R-29), SB 70 will remove the mandatory post-purchase 48-hour waiting period that was previously in place for those who did not have a valid permit to carry a concealed handgun.  Thank you to all of the NRA members who contacted their legislators during this process and urged them to support this pro-gun reform.  Without you, this victory would not have been possible.

TENNESSEE:     NRA-Backed Bills Still Moving Through the Legislature  The following is an update on NRA-backed bills that are currently working through the legislature.  Please contact your State Senator and State Representative and respectfully urge them to support all of the NRA-backed bills listed below without any restricting amendments.  For contact information or help identifying your State Legislators, please click here.  For Tennessee Legislature Committee information please visit http://www.capitol.tn.gov/committees/.

 TEXAS:  Parking Lot Legislation to be Considered Any Day!  On  March 17, the Senate Criminal Justice Committee reported out Senate Bill 730 sponsored by State Senator Glenn parking lotHegar (R-18).  SB 730 is now eligible for consideration by the full Senate any day. Simply stated, this NRA-backed legislation would permit employees to transport and store lawfully-possessed firearms in locked, private motor vehicles while parked at work.  Please contact your State Senator and urge him or her to support SB 730 with no gutting amendments.  To contact your State Senator, please click here for contact information.  If you need help identifying your State Senator, please click here.

House Bill 1301, Parking Lot Legislation To Be Heard On March 23   The Texas House Public Safety Committee will consider HB 1301 by Rep. Stephen Frost (D), the House companion bill to SB 730, on Monday, March 23.  HB 1301 would prevent employers from making you choose between your personal safety and keeping your job.  Big business and industry representatives will pull out all the stops to defeat this measure.  It's time to find out whether your State Representatives stand with corporate executives who make decisions about your personal safety from a boardroom, or whether your elected officials stand with hard-working Texans who simply wish to exercise their right to lawfully transport firearms in their cars and trucks -- a right recognized under state law that employers' "No Firearms" policies clearly conflict with. Please contact members of the House Public Safety Committee and urge them to support HB 1301 with no gutting amendments.  Contact information for the committee can be reached by clicking here.  

VIRGINIA:  Wrap-Up of 2009 Virginia Legislative Session  Three pro-gun bills (HB1851, HB2144, and SB1035) were approved by the Virginia Senate on Wednesday and are now on their way to the desk of Governor Tim Kaine (D) for his consideration.  For more information about these bills, please click here.  Please contact Governor Kaine TODAY and respectfully urge him to sign HB1851, HB 2144, and SB1035.  The Governor can be reached by phone at (804) 786-2211, by fax at (804) 371-6351, or email [email protected].  Several anti-gun bills failed to pass this session.  To learn more about them, please click here.


WEST VIRGINIA:  West Virginia Pre-Emption Clean up Bill up in the Senate  Senate Bill 621, introduced by Senator John Unger (D-16), is a technical clean up to the state's preemption law.  The bill will correct a small problem with a statute that was being exploited by the City of Martinsburg to ban the carrying and possession of firearms on all city-owned property.  The passage of this bill will remove the confusing language and make Martinsburg's ordinance null and void.  SB 621 now resides in the Senate Judiciary Committee waiting for a vote.  Please contact your State Senator Today and respectfully urge them to support this important piece of legislation.  Find your legislator’s contact information here.


WYOMING:  Attention Wyoming NRA members:  You are cordially invited to attend the Lincoln Day Dinner being held at the Sheridan, WY Holiday Inn Convention Center on Saturday, April 4, 2009.  The dinner, sponsored by the Sheridan County Republican party, is proud to have Mr. David Keene, NRA Second Vice President and Chairman of the American Conservative Union, as its featured speaker.  Mr. Keene is recognized as one of the chief spokesmen for conservative principles and politics and is regularly featured on a variety of radio, TV, and print media.  The dinner will commence at 5:30 PM with cocktails and a silent auction followed by dinner at 7:00 PM and David's presentation at 8:00 PM.  Raffle tickets, at $10 each, will be available for a Montana Rifle Co. woodland rifle in Cal. .300 WSM, stainless steel, pre 1964 Winchester type action and exhibition grade American walnut stock.  

Tickets for the dinner are $60.00 each and can be obtained by calling Stewart Schumacher at (307) 672-5600 or Carole Perkins at (307) 751-4992.  Please consider joining us for an evening with a distinguished speaker and future NRA President.


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.