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APPEARS IN Grassroots

Grassroots Alert: Vol. 14, No. 5 2/2/2007

States with updates this issue:  Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.


In recent issues of the Grassroots Alert, we have been documenting anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s coalition efforts to impose New York City-style gun laws across the nation.  In addition to compiling an updated listing of the mayors that sign on to Bloomberg’s efforts, NRA-ILA has added a new tool for you to fight against this blatantly anti-gun coalition. 

By visiting www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=2533 not only will you find the list of mayors who are cahoots with Bloomberg, but also some sample letters for you to send to your mayor.  One letter urges those mayors who have joined the anti-gun coalition, to remove themselves.  The other sample letter encourages those mayors who have so far resisted pressure to join, to remain resolute.  In addition to the sample letters, we have also posted a link to our “Tips for Communicating with Your Elected Officials” page that will provide you additional guidance when contacting your mayors.

Please visit www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=2533 today to take action yourself, and share this link with your family, friends, and fellow firearm owners and encourage them to do the same!


The Pike and San Isabel National Forests in Colorado are developing a management plan to shape the kinds of uses allowed in these Forests for the next 15 years.  Public meetings are scheduled in February to give the public an opportunity to state how they want the Forests to be managed.  The last time the management plan was updated was in 1984, so it is likely that the new plan will incorporate some significant changes.  It is vital that sportsmen and women participate in the process to ensure access and opportunities for hunting and recreational shooting.

In its announcement, the Forest Service said that the principal issues will be recreation, ranching, oil and gas development, logging, forest thinning, and off-road vehicle use.  The meetings will be from 5:30 to 9:00 p.m., in the following locations:

February 14 -Westcliffe, Ranchera's Roost Cafe & Bowling Alley, 25 Main Street

February 15 - Pueblo, El Pueblo Museum, 302 N. Santa Fe Avenue

February 21 - Fairplay, Fairplay Fairbarn, 880 Bogue Street

For more information on this issue, including contact information, please visit http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/psicc/.


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced its intention to prepare management plans for the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge, W.V., and the Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Maine.  Both refuges allow hunting, so it is important that hunters get involved in these planning processes.  The Service is inviting the public to express its views on how the refuges should be managed in order to identify the key issues and develop goals and objectives for managing refuge resources and visitor activities, such as hunting.  For Canaan Valley you may contact the refuge by phone at (304) 866-3858 and by website at www.fws.gov/canaanvalley.  For Moosehorn the number is (207) 454-7161 and the website is www.fws.gov/northeast/moosehorn.


Joshua Enos, of Denmark, Maine, is a member of the American Trap Association (ATA), and has been a member since he was 13.  Joshua is graduating from his high school (the Fryeburg Academy, in Fryeburg, Maine) this year, and had submitted to his high school a picture of him with his shotgun--unloaded, broken, and draped over his shoulders.  The school refused to use this photo, because it showed a firearm in it.  Joshua’s father asked if he could be in the Alternative Sports section of the yearbook.  The answer was:  “no” with a gun, but “yes” with his trophies.  His father then took a picture of Joshua with some of his trophies, but the school is now refusing to use this photo because the trophies have guns on them! 

To make your views known on this issue, please contact the school via Headmaster Dan Lee, at (207) 935-2001, extension 116, 745 Main St., Fryeburg, ME 04037.


Please join your fellow Illinois gun owners for the annual Illinois Gun Owners Lobby Day (IGOLD) on March 14, 2007, in Springfield!  This is your opportunity to lobby your lawmakers directly and make a positive impact for all Illinois gun owners.

Participants will meet in the auditorium of the Howlett Building at 12:30 p.m., for registration and a legislative briefing before proceeding to the Capitol Building.  That evening, a reception will be held at the Illinois State Library Auditorium from 5:30-7:30 p.m., for both gun owners and state lawmakers.  IGOLD will have buses available to transport participants to Springfield from various locations throughout Illinois.

For more information on IGOLD 2007, to sign-up online, or for more information on scheduled bus routes, please visit http://igold.isra.org.


The National Rifle Association’s Youth Education Summit (YES) program is gearing up to host another active week for students who want to learn about the U.S. government. The YES program will host a group of outstanding high school sophomores and juniors from across the United States for a weeklong educational experience in Washington, D.C.  This year’s program will take place July 9 - 15.  The deadline for applications is set for March 1, 2007.

The Youth Education Summit is a seven-day event designed to encourage America’s youth to become active and knowledgeable U.S. citizens.  YES is an intensive educational experience that allows students to learn the significance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, to develop an understanding of the federal government, and see the importance of active participation in civic affairs--all while in the nation’s capital.

Activities on this year’s schedule include:

§ Informative tours, and independent time, at historic sites and monuments in and around   Washington, D.C.
§ Traversing an obstacle course at the Marine Corps Base in Quantico, Va.
§ Guest speakers and research time at NRA Headquarters and the National Firearms Museum.
§ Competitive debates with other high school students from across the nation.

In addition to the week in Washington, D.C., YES participants compete for $30,000 in college scholarships.  Since the program’s inception in 1996, over $140,000 in scholarships have been awarded.

The March 1, deadline is quickly approaching.  High school sophomores and juniors interested in participating in the NRA’s Youth Education Summit program need to have their applications postmarked by the deadline.

For additional information, and to download an application for the 2007 Youth Education Summit, please visit www.nrafoundation.org/yes or call (800) 672-3888, ext. 1353.


Once again the NRA is seeking volunteers to help at the 2007 NRA Annual Meeting in St. Louis, April 11-15.  To a large degree, the success of each year’s NRA Annual Meeting is dependent on the contributions of our volunteers.  And you can be a part of that successful effort this year!

A number of volunteers are needed to help with set-up on Wednesday and Thursday, April 11 and 12, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  During the actual exhibit and meetings, Friday through Sunday, volunteers will work in the NRA Store, Membership Services, and the Airgun Range, as well as a number of other venues.

To volunteer, or for more information, please visit any of NRA’s web sites or the Annual Meeting site (www.nraam.org), or contact NRA Field Rep Gregg Pearre at (573) 761-5466, or Dennis Eggers, South Central Region Director, at (270) 522-0909.  Their respective e-mail addresses are:  [email protected] and [email protected].


(***For all of the action items below, you can find contact information for your legislators by visiting www.NRAILA.org, clicking the “Take Action” icon, and then clicking the “Write Your Representatives” icon.  As always, thank you for your support.***)

States with updates this issue:  Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

The Arkansas State House Judiciary Committee hearing for House Bill 1027 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 6 at 10:00 A.M. in room 149.  HB1027, the "Castle Doctrine" self-defense bill, simply states that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.” The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.  Please take the time to attend the hearing and show your support.  There will be a rally at 9:30 A.M. in the State Capitol Rotunda.  If you are unable to attend, please contact the committee members today and respectfully urge them to protect your right to self-defense by voting in favor of HB1027.  Please use the following link to find members of the House Judiciary Committee:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2563.  Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for future updates on this vital piece of legislation in Arkansas! 

On Wednesday, January 31, HB 1011 sponsored by State Representative Cory Gardner (R-63) passed the House Judiciary Committee by a vote of 6-5.  The bill now heads to the State House floor for a vote. HB1011, the “Castle Doctrine” self-defense bill, simply states that if a criminal breaks into your home or your place of business, you do not have a “duty to retreat.” The bill also provides protection from criminal prosecution for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.  Please contact your State Representative today at (303) 866-2904, or if outside of Denver, at (800) 811-7647 and respectfully urge them to support HB1011.

We Need Your Help!  Lawmakers in Hartford are considering legislation that will have dramatic consequences for Connecticut’s law-abiding gun owners.  The anti-gun crowd has doubled their efforts to pass some of 2006’s failed proposals and new 2007 anti-gun proposals.  The Judiciary and Public Safety and Security Committees need to hear from you!  The Judiciary Committee can be reached at (860) 240-0530 and the Public Safety and Security Committee can be reached at (860) 240-0570.  These committees have been assigned many anti-gun proposals, to include the recurring and defeated “lost and stolen firearms,” the “ballistic fingerprinting” program (also known as Ballistic Registration), one gun-a-month, and permit to purchase ammunition proposals. If you have not contacted your legislators, please do so TODAY!  The Public Safety and Security Committee HAS SCHEDULED A PUBLIC HEARING on all the proposals listed below for Tuesday, February 6 at 11 am in the Legislative Office Building, Room 2E.  For a complete list of bills before the committee, please click here:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=2550.  Please keep checking your email for updates and changes on this crucial hearing! In the meantime, start calling members of the Public Safety and Security Committee today!  Members of the Public Safety and Security Committee can be reached at (860) 240-0570 or at the following link:  www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/MemberList.asp?comm_code=PS&doc_type=, and urge them to “oppose” any anti-gun proposals!  Remember, urge committee members to “oppose” all anti-gun proposals! Again, please keep checking your email for updates!  The general phone number for the House of Representatives is (860) 240-0400 and for the Senate is (860) 240-0500.

House Bill 248 sponsored by State Representative Ken Ito (D-48), a measure that would repeal Hawaii's magazine ban, will be heard in the House Public Safety and Military Affairs Committee on Thursday, February 8th.  This bill would permit the owner of a pistol to use any ammunition magazine authorized for use with the pistol by the manufacturer.  It repeals the prohibition on magazines with a capacity in excess of ten rounds.  Please contact the members of the committee to voice your support.  Committee members and their contact information can be found at the legislative website at www.capitol.hawaii.gov or by calling 586-6400.  Thank you!

It is critically important that you contact your State Senator and State Representative regarding the firearms-related bills that are pending in Indianapolis.  Senate Bill 18, introduced by Second Amendment advocate, State Senator Brent Steele (R-44), has passed out of the Senate Public Policy Committee and is headed to the Senate floor. This bill will eliminate the requirement for FFLs to provide the State Police with a copy of federal form 4473 for handgun transactions. State Representative Mike Murphy (R-90) has introduced House Bill 1200, legislation that mirrors SB18.  As expected, rabid gun-ban advocate State Representative David Orentlicher (D-86) is sponsoring two measures, House Bill 1089 and House Bill 1090 that seek to radically change Indiana’s firearms statutes.  HB1089 would gut Indiana’s firearm preemption statute and provide Marion County with the authority to establish its own regulations regarding the sale, transport, transfer and carrying of firearms, thus creating a patchwork of laws that could make a criminal out of otherwise law-abiding gun owners.  Orentlicher’s HB1090 seeks to end gun shows as we know them by defining a firearms dealer as any person who exhibits, sells, rents, exchanges, or transfers at least one firearm at a gun show. Further, a gun show would be defined as an event at which at least 50 firearms are offered for sale, rent, exchange or transfer. HB1090 would also prohibit the purchase of more than one handgun during any 30-day period!  The good news is that State Representative Eric Koch (R-65) has filed NRA-supported House Bill 1011, the “Indiana Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act.”   Koch seeks to ensure that law-abiding firearm owners will not be stripped of their Right to Keep and Bear Arms during a declared state of emergency or disaster. Specifically, this proposal states that, “The state, a political subdivision, or any other person may not prohibit or restrict the lawful possession, transfer, sale, transportation, storage, display or use of firearms or ammunition during a disaster emergency, an energy emergency, or a local disaster emergency.”  Also, State Representative Jerry Denbo (D-62) has introduced NRA-supported House Bill 1118 that will allow law-abiding gun owners to store a firearm in a locked vehicle located in most public parking areas.  Please contact your State Senator at (317)-232-9400 and State Representative at (317)-232-9600 and strongly urge them to oppose both HB1089 and HB1090, and to support and vote for SB18, HB1200, HB1011 and HB1118.

On Wednesday, January 31, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be taking up Senate Bill 309, the NRA-supported "Emergency Powers" measure, designed to prohibit police from confiscating lawfully possessed firearms in Montana during a declared state of emergency.  It is vital that NRA members contact committee members to encourage their support.  You can call the Legislative Call Center at (406) 444-4800 or leave an online message at the Electronic Message prompt at www.leg.mt.gov.  Please use the following link to find who is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2564

Nevada’s 2007 Legislative Session begins Monday, February 5, and prior to the start of session, the NRA is asking its members in the Silver State to contact their legislators asking them to jump on board and co-author Senator John Lee's (D- Clark, No. 1) BDR-45 when it is assigned a bill number.  This bill seeks to remove the exemption for Clark County from the state firearms preemption law, passed in 1989, which prohibits cities and counties from regulating firearms.  This would eliminate, among other local laws, the handgun registration ordinance currently in effect in Clark County and restore continuity for law-abiding Nevadans traveling county to county with their firearms.  It is vital that Senator Lee head to Carson City with as much steam for this bill as we can provide!  Please contact your State Assemblymember at (775) 684-8555 and your State Senator at (775) 684-1400.

On Tuesday, January 30, the Senate Public Affairs Committee reported out SB 111 by State Senator Stuart Ingle (R-Portales) and SB 168 by State Senator Steven Neville (R-Aztec), NRA-backed legislation allowing Concealed Handgun Licensees to protect themselves in establishments that sell alcohol for off-premises consumption.  Please use the following link to get contact information to thank the following committee members who supported these bills:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2565 .  The bills now move to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.  Please begin contacting the following committee members and urging them to support SB 111 and SB 168.  We will report to you when a hearing has been scheduled on these measures.  Please use the following link to find members of the Senate Judiciary Committee:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2565.  Also on Tuesday, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee could not break a tie vote on three separate attempts on HB 163, NRA-backed “Castle Doctrine” legislation sponsored by State Representative John Heaton (D-Carlsbad).  The committee may reconsider the vote on the measure at its next hearing on Thursday, February 1 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 315 of the State Capitol.  Members of the committee and how they voted on Tuesday are listed below.  Please use the following link to contact our supporters and thank them, and please also contact opponents of the measure and urge them to reconsider their position on this important issue:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2565.  Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for future updates on these vital pieces of legislation in New Mexico!  To find further contact information or help identifying your legislators please visit:  www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?ID=2565.

County Executive Andy Spano has proposed changing the pistol license authority in Westchester County from elected county judges to the un-elected police commissioner and requiring all pistol license holders to reapply for their licenses every five years, providing justification as to why they still need them.  A copy of the proposal is available at http://www.co.westchester.ny.us/currentnews/2007pr/statelegpackage.htm.  Please contact your county legislators and State Representatives and let them know you oppose Spano’s plans.  The deadline for them to act is February 12.  The next scheduled meeting of the Board of Legislators is Monday, February 12, at 10:00 a.m., in the Legislative Chambers, 8th floor of the Westchester County Office Building, 800 Michaelian Office Building, 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains.  Please use the following link for contact information www.nraila.org/Legislation/Read.aspx?id=2556 

Mayor Tom McMahon of Reading is planning to meet with the president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Paul Helmke, as well as law enforcement officials and local residents, under the guise of addressing the issue of crime on city streets.  The meeting will be held Tuesday, February 6 at 6:00 p.m. in the Schmidt Training & Technology Center at Reading Area Community College.  Mayor McMahon has joined the anti-gun group led by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg by adding his name to the list of participants as displayed on the coalition's website found at www.mayorsagainstillegalguns.org.  Please remember to attend this meeting and make your voice heard!  If you are unable to attend, please call (610) 655-6234 and let Mayor McMahon know that New York-style gun control does not fit in Reading, Pennsylvania.  Please keep checking your email and www.NRAILA.org for future updates on this threat to the Second Amendment in Pennsylvania!

This week, Sen. Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) introduced SB 378, the NRA-backed “Castle Doctrine”/self- defense law reform bill, with 27 of his 31 Senate colleagues signed on as co-authors.  This bill is the Senate companion to HB 284 by Rep. Joe Driver (R-Garland), who has gotten 100 of his 150 House colleagues to sign on as co-authors.  Special thanks to Sen. Wentworth and Rep. Driver for their efforts thus far¾we’ll keep you posted as to when hearings are scheduled on these bills!  Also, several different versions of bills allowing Concealed Handgun Licensees (CHLs) to transport and store handguns in locked vehicles while parked on their employers' property have been filed in the Texas House thus far: HB 220 by Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford), HB 511 by Rep. David Farabee (D-Wichita Falls) & HB 992 by Rep. Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs).  Please contact your State Representatives and urge them to co-author these important measures.  Contact information for state lawmakers can be found at www.house.state.tx.us.

So far, three anti-gun measures have been introduced this legislative session.  SB 5197 and its House companion HB 1026 seek to restrict private sales at gun shows.  SB 5197 will be heard on Thursday, February 8, at 3:30 p.m., in the Washington State Senate Labor and Commerce Committee, in the John A. Cherberg Building, Hearing Room #4. Washington Ceasefire is planning to pack this hearing with supporters of the gun show bill, so it's vital that we have a strong turnout as well!  Please make plans to attend this vital meeting and be sure to alert your grassroots networks and fellow gun owners to attend the meeting this coming Thursday!  Attendees should plan on being at the Capitol by noon, and please go see their legislators, even if they aren't on the Committee.

House Bill 1014, a perennial favorite in the Legislature, criminalizes individuals who do not store their firearms in a locked container or use a safety device. 

Whether you can attend this hearing or not, please call your State Senator at (800) 562-6000 and ask that they vote against these threats to the Second Amendment when they come up for a vote.

Senate File 50, sponsored by State Senator Cale Case (R-25), the NRA-supported measure that would modify the penalty for taking game with a firearm during archery season, has passed in the Senate by a vote of 28-1.  The bill now heads to the House where it faces a contentious debate fueled by a handful of anti-gun bow hunters who feel that a firearm in the hands of a bow hunter would encourage poaching.  Not only does this bill seek to punish the poacher, but in doing so, it frees up bow hunters to choose firearms as their method of self-defense against predatory wildlife.  Such choice is currently restricted during archery season.  It is vital that NRA members contact the members of the House Travel and Recreation Committee, because the bill will be referred as early as next week.  Please contact your State Representative at (307) 777-7852 and ask them to vote “YES” on this Senate File 50 when it comes up for a vote.



Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.