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Like President Trump’s first Supreme Court nominee, Justice Neal Gorsuch, following the lead of the late Justice Antonin Scalia in the historic Heller decision, Judge Kavanaugh interprets the Constitution the way that our Founding Fathers intended. 

In 2008, we almost lost our right to keep and bear arms. We can’t allow that to happen again. The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh is a major step in securing a pro-Second Amendment majority on the Supreme Court for a generation. Let your U.S. senator know that you support the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court and that you, along with the NRA’s six million members and tens of millions of Second Amendment supporters, will be watching the confirmation process and casting your ballot in November.

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Remember, it isn’t enough to exercise the right. If you don’t act to protect the right you will lose your right.  We have a responsibility to secure our right to self-defense as well as protect and secure the Second Amendment rights of future generations. 

Why NRA Endorses Brett Kavanaugh for U.S. Supreme Court

Kavanaugh rejected a ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic rifles

Kavanaugh rejected a registration requirement for all firearms

Kavanaugh cast a vote that had the effect of striking down Washington, D.C.’s restrictive carry law


Friday, September 17, 2021

Florida Alert! Florida State Workers Pension Fund Participated in Anti-gun Program

Ashbel C. “Ash” Williams Jr., has the financial wellbeing of Florida’s public employees in his hands.  Williams serves ...

NRA-ILA Files Friend of the Court Brief Urging the Supreme Court to Hear a Challenge to ATF’s Bump Stock Rule

Friday, September 3, 2021

NRA-ILA Files Friend of the Court Brief Urging the Supreme Court to Hear a Challenge to ATF’s Bump Stock Rule

Today, NRA-ILA filed an amicus curiae (or friend of the court) brief in support of a petition to the United ...

The Washington Times  

Monday, July 26, 2021

Senate must reject David Chipman, Biden’s anti-gun ATF nominee

Like many others from rural America, firearms are a part of my daily life. I am an avid ...

Forty-Three Amicus Briefs Filed In Support OF NRA-ILA Backed Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Forty-Three Amicus Briefs Filed In Support OF NRA-ILA Backed Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court decided to hear the NRA-ILA backed case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime. And ...

NRA-ILA Applauds Sen. Ted Cruz and U.S. Senators’ Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

NRA-ILA Applauds Sen. Ted Cruz and U.S. Senators’ Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court decided to hear the NRA-ILA backed case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime. NRA-ILA’s opening ...

NRA-ILA Applauds Attorneys General Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

NRA-ILA Applauds Attorneys General Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the NRA-ILA backed case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime. NRA-ILA’s opening ...

NRA-ILA Applauds Rep. Claudia Tenney and U.S. House of Representatives’ Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

NRA-ILA Applauds Rep. Claudia Tenney and U.S. House of Representatives’ Amicus Brief Supporting Second Amendment Case Before Supreme Court

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court decided to hear the NRA-ILA backed case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime. NRA-ILA’s opening ...

NRA-ILA Files Opening Brief in Second Amendment Case Before the Supreme Court


Thursday, July 15, 2021

NRA-ILA Files Opening Brief in Second Amendment Case Before the Supreme Court

NRA-ILA filed the opening brief in the Supreme Court case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime. The case provides the ...

Monday, July 12, 2021

Florida Alert! PART 1 - 2021 Legislative Session Wrap-Up - 3 Pro-gun Bills Pass

HB-259, The Church Carry bill passed both the House and Senate and has now been signed into law ...


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.