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Legal & Legislation Articles

Tuesday, June 5, 2001

Urgent California Alert - 6/5/01

No summary available

Friday, June 1, 2001

Connecticut Update on SB 1402

Thank you to all gun owners and sportsmen who made calls to their lawmakers this week—your efforts made ...

Thursday, May 31, 2001

California Legislative Alert - AB 35 Still a Threat 5/31/01

HANDGUN LICENSING BILLS STILL A THREAT IN CALIFORNIA Today, the Assembly Appropriations Committee failed to pass Assembly Bill ...

Wednesday, May 30, 2001

NRA-ILA Special Alert - Urge your Representative to Co-Sponsor H.R. 2037

WHILE CONGRESS IS ON RECESS, ATTEND TOWN HALL MEETINGS--Urge your Representative to Co-Sponsor H.R. 2037Congress is on recess ...

Monday, May 28, 2001

Texas Legislative Alert 1/3/01

2001 State Legislature to Convene January 9

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

New Mexico Legislative Alert - 5/23/01

At Monday`s meeting of the Albuquerque City Council, Mayor Jim Baca formally introduced Council Bill No. O-108, which ...

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Los Angeles City Ordinance

Los Angeles City Ordinance:Ammunition Ban Proposal to be Heard on 3/28/01 This ammunition ban proposal will be presented ...

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Texas Legislative Alert 2001-03-07

The Texas House Criminal Jurisprudence Committee could soon consider HB 367 & HB 404, legislation imposing Clinton-style restrictions ...

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

Florida Legislative Alert 2001-03-14

HEARING SCHEDULED TOMORROW ON HB-449, Gun Manufacturer Lawsuits !!!

Saturday, May 19, 2001

Attorney General Ashcroft Defends The Second Amendment

Attorney General John Ashcroft recently wrote to ILA Executive Director James Jay Baker, regarding the Justice Department`s position ...


Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.